I was on Record Breakers, playing trombone in the world's biggest big band. We played the outro theme, 'Dedication'.
However, this story is far more interesting than that, purely due to the reaction of my mother. I shall explain.
Before we were to play, they filmed us entering the studio, and me, in my fifteen year old wisdom, decided to lurch along the corridor like the hunchback of notre dame, pulling a silly face to boot. Naturally I figured they'd never air that, as they were filming loads of us. I guessed they'd only show the pretty ones. Unfortunately for my mom, she had told everyone she worked with to watch the show, as the child she was so proud of was gonna be on telly. She could hardly deal with work the next day, because almost all of her friends were asking her who the dickhead with the limp was, and she had to explain that it was me (although, now I think about it, she could have lied, and then just put me into hiding for a few days).
The best part in all of this was that, as a result of my behaviour on national television, my mom announced that I would never be allowed to drive, on the basis that if I couldn't behave sensibly on telly, how would I ever be sensible behind the wheel?!?!?!? |