fridge: apparently, it's LGPL'd, and thus perfectly legit the way they did it. (the difference, from what I understand, being that limited GPL isn't a replicating license - you can use it retaining the original copyright comments in the code, but don't need to release your own code under that license).
As for everything else, yeah, it's pretty much screwed them only in the "Cheats are going to be complete hell if they don't rewrite a lot of stuff" sort of way. which is still a big way. Any gaming company big enough to be competition* is going to stay soo far away from it just out of fear of copyright accusations later, which is helpful in a way. My reaction to the issue is mostly emotional, no matter what the reasoning behind it was. it's just..... wrong somehow.
* not that game companies are really competition for each other.. if someone's going to buy one game, they're quite likely to buy others. It's TV and such that are the competition, but that's a different rant.
--somewhere in gamedev hell,
faething. |