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Godawful nonfiction

Cat Chant
13:18 / 05.10.03
Help! I need to find a short bad essay - that's a really bad essay (like, barely literate) - for Wednesday, so I can make my students read it and tell me what's wrong with it.

The internet is the very home of ill-thought-out, poorly-argued and ill-spelt rants that call themselves essays, surely? But I can't find any. Anyone got any good ideas where to start looking?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
15:24 / 05.10.03
Cat Chant
08:29 / 06.10.03
Thanks a lot, Radiator - this is pretty cool. I'm not entirely sure about subjecting my students to quite such a stream of racial hate speech on their second week, though, especially as it will make me angry and shaky. (Not that that ever did my pedagogical role model, Professor Snape, any harm.)

Also, he can mostly spell. Anyone got any other ideas? Something between this link from the Warrior site and this...
09:45 / 06.10.03
There are somke deliberately bad teaching-tool essay examples online -
One on Greek Tragedy which is brief and attrocious, and a rather lurid description of why humans bathe.
And I found this, on the uses of technology, slightly personally painful, but the writer hasn't offered it as an example of dross and drivel, so don't tell anyone.
Cat Chant
09:53 / 06.10.03
Thanks! Those are great! I see what you mean about the technology essay:

For example, scientists spent years to make a clone of a sheep. Now let me ask you, is their any practical use in knowing how to clone a sheep?

That's made my day already.
Ethan Hawke
16:05 / 06.10.03
I give you the National Review, the U.S,'s premeire conservative publication.

Here's a sample I followed a link to, today:

"no Big Deal"

*the link, on the mighty Eschaton, was captioned "Look, honey! Negroes! And they aren't smoking crack!"
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