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Roy of 'Siegfried & Roy' critical after mauling


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13:12 / 04.10.03
Just found this story out there in the wonders of the internet.

Not a good weekend for dangerous magic work then. Hope no-one shows this to Darran Brown
Char Aina
13:22 / 04.10.03
is it wrong that i laughed when i read this?

i'm sure it probably is.

animal kin'dom be comin up, yo.
Matthew Fluxington
13:36 / 04.10.03
Statistically, I suppose, it was bound to happen someday.
13:49 / 04.10.03
If the tiger gets put down, that would suck.
14:02 / 04.10.03
oh, I am SO making this into my next tshirt. a giant cartoony kitten going to town on roy's face, maybe with the caption "the people demanded it"
Char Aina
14:05 / 04.10.03
should we be grooming a roy replacement?
one of our very own troopers, wearing the sequins and the orange face, until the time is right to strike and FREE the TIGERS!

man, we could be sitting on not only a goldmine, but an animal rights coup!
14:06 / 04.10.03
I guess that's one of the dangers of being around a real live tiger...
14:19 / 04.10.03
the Onion just had a funny piece on Roy. Creepy: lay down and roar!
Saint Keggers
15:20 / 04.10.03
Yes this is going down in my "Proof there is a god" file.
17:43 / 04.10.03
Tigers vs Germans.

It's the new Ninjas vs Pirates.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:43 / 06.10.03
I'm voting for the tigers on that one. Tigers rule supreme! The true kings and queens of the jungle!
In other news, Spyder sort of rhymes with Tyger, And Spyder is a Tiger on the Chinese calendar, therefore, Spyder feels in touch with the Tigers. I'm with both adamswish and toksik: Not a good time for dangerous magick and we need to free the tigers RIGHT NOW.
14:53 / 06.10.03
Surely the tigers appreciate the spangly sequinned kitsch of it all? Apart from David Attenborough, or perhaps mauling that australian oddity Steve Irwin, what other chance did they have of fame?
That tiger wasn't standing up for itself, it was just ensuring it's place in showbiz history. I can see the ABC film of the week now...
From what I hear, the tiger is just being kept in quarantine and is unlikely to be snuffed. The management seem to be taking the line that it's Roy's own fault for hitting it with a microphone. Personally, I reckon they can get more for it on Ebay alive than dead. I'd be willing to stump up a fair bit to have it stuffed and crouching in my hallway.
14:59 / 06.10.03
Spyder sort of rhymes with Tyger, And Spyder is a Tiger on the Chinese calendar

So you confess spyder, it was actually you in a fur coat who attacked the suntanned fella.

I see no course for me now other than to buy you many drinks in celebration of you sabotage of the Vegas pair and their animal worrying ways. Plus I know who to come to if I need to top of a bottle biten off, to mis-quote Windsor Davies in that Carry on film: "Jaws of steel, jaws of steel..."
15:07 / 06.10.03
Actually it's been a strange weekend for tigers, anyone else see (and huge apologies if there's another thread about this) of the Tiger found in an apartment in manhatten.

Caught a bit on the news and just loved the line: " was left alone after it's owner was admitted to hospital with large cuts to them".

Like that wouldn't of been the biggest clue to their neighbours, co-workers or the authorities.
Char Aina
15:19 / 06.10.03
that same guy had a cayman alligator, didnt he?

the best bit of that story was the fact that it was an 'open secret' on the estate he lived on. like, everyone knew he had a tiger and an alligator, but he was just an animal lover, so no one told animal control.

except they did, and animal control didnt come round to see for themselves. until it mauled him.

brilliant, just brilliant.

i am SO getting a panther.
15:19 / 06.10.03
Yup it's in all the UK papers, I love the fact that his brother had to feed it while the owner was in hospital he did this by throwing chickens into the room from behind the door.
16:28 / 06.10.03
D'you think that man was the much-lamented Crimes Of Fashion?
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:44 / 06.10.03
Fucking hell. I bet you people thought it was a right laugh when they fed the Christians to the lions, eh?
Char Aina
16:54 / 06.10.03
well, yeah, but that was nervous laughter.

it wasnt really funny. not like when they had the elephants and the other big game.
Ethan Hawke
16:55 / 06.10.03
Not that it's any of my business, but....wait, fuck yeah it's my business! These guys have been in the public eye for decades, and all we get are Simpsons' innuendo about their lifestyle. Someone please fucking settle this for me. Are they or aren't they? I mean, yeah, it seems obvious, but..
16:59 / 06.10.03
Fucking hell. I bet you people thought it was a right laugh when they fed the Christians to the lions, eh?

It was a little before my time. I laughed when I heard about it, though.
19:32 / 06.10.03
todd, yeah, to me it was obvious they *were*, my question was, are they that way...*together*?
and on the news they spoke of roy's "longtime partner," sigfried, so that explains that. i don't think they meant "partner in vegas show."
Ethan Hawke
20:13 / 06.10.03
I read that same article, too, and I just thought it was smirking and winking around the issue.
Spyder Todd 2008
23:31 / 06.10.03
adamswish, I'm afraid you have indeed caught me read pawed. And I confess, Flyboy was right about the lions thing. But it wasn't just the christians, there were the jews, the romans out of political favor, the spaniards, Ben-Hurr, I laughed at all of them. And I cried when one of them killed a tiger. But not a lion. Whatever. Tigers are far more intelligent then lions. They’re also bigger, stronger, and faster. Tigers, in short, are far superior to lions.
Spyder Todd 2008
23:32 / 06.10.03
Excuse me, red, not read. How foolish of me.
13:48 / 07.10.03
I bet you people thought it was a right laugh when they fed the Christians to the lions, eh?

Not only did I laugh Fly, but I threw eggs at them during their performance piece
14:01 / 07.10.03
Siegfried and Roy used to go out, but now they're just friends.
Ethan Hawke
14:05 / 07.10.03
Source! I can't DEAL with this BALD assertion!
14:08 / 07.10.03
Dude, I just know. It's in the same category as knowing if Ben & J Lo's wedding is on or off.
15:38 / 07.10.03
I can't DEAL with this BALD assertion

Please Todd, one accusation at a time please. Let's find out their sexuality and then ask whether those are wigs or not, okay
Spyder Todd 2008
16:51 / 07.10.03
Wigs. They stink of toupes. I would know, I mauled one of them.
18:32 / 07.10.03
C'mon now, these are real people. And one of them just got mauled by a tiger. Let's see a little compassion, fer chrissakes. Poor Siegfried had to watch Roy get dragged off the stage by a damn tiger (which, I might remind you, had it's jaws around Roy's throat).
Spyder Todd 2008
19:13 / 07.10.03
I know this is awful, but what EE just said made me laugh like a little catholic schoolgirl. Teehee. I'm a horrible person.
And I still think the tiger (being me, of course) was completely justified in his actions. He just wanted to be famous, and the bastard hit him. Poor kitty.
Char Aina
16:22 / 09.10.03
this just in!

live footage of a real live tigger mauling roy!

Mourne Kransky
09:46 / 10.10.03
sik sik sik toksik! Laughing like a drain. Do drains laugh? I suppose they sort of gurgle right enough. Oh well, gurgling psychopathically here...

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