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General "what magazines do you read" thread..

rizla mission
13:05 / 03.10.03
As people have been analysing their reading habits in the recent Mans Mags/Girls Mags threads, I thought it might be nice to start a general one wherein folk could list/examine/argue about their reading habits..

Myself, I'm currently a regular/occasional reader of;

Careless Talk Costs Lives
The Guardian (Saturday)
Punk Planet
The Wire
The Powerpuff Girls Powerzine
Sight & Sound

Aren't I just so pretentiously 'alternative' it hurts?

Your turn..
Matthew Fluxington
13:14 / 03.10.03
Do the stroke magazines that I have sent to my PO Box count?
rizla mission
13:28 / 03.10.03
13:52 / 03.10.03
Good Housekeeping never fails for scrummy biscuit recipies. Im such an old woman.
Baz Auckland
14:53 / 03.10.03
I shelve them all day, so I end up reading a lot of them unfortunately...

GEO, Colours, (for the language practice)
National Geographic,
PC Gamer,
The Economist, (but only to piss myself off)
Most of the fringe politics magazines (THIS, The Nation, Z, Carbusters, Middle East Report, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, etc.)
14:59 / 03.10.03
Well, other than all the UK National papers I have to read for work, I read:

New Statesman
Fortean Times
The Wire (sometimes... probably one month in three)
Any PC magazine that has decent demos free with it


I hate to admit it



Volks World. Every month.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
15:03 / 03.10.03
Design News
CED (industry rag for Cable TV)
Popular Mechanics
Car and Driver

Yeah, I am an engineer.
pointless and uncalled for
16:53 / 03.10.03
On a regular basis I read:

Sidewalk Surfer
National Geographic
American Photo

Depending on the articles I will pick up some other photo-based magazine, or if it's particularly enticing, just another magazine which has something about photography.

I often spend time in Borders checking out Italian and the original Photo (French) but as I can't understand them I don't see any point in paying money for them.

I'm wondering if you consider comics as regular print media?
16:56 / 03.10.03
I buy magazines where they talk about how the other magazine is shit. and I giggle, because I am a dirty dirty traitor, but only I know it and you can't prove a thing.
17:49 / 03.10.03
I arguably read more magazines/ zines than anyone-else here... I like picking up one or two issues of those odd specialist hobbie magazines like "Koi Carp Monthly" or whatever, especially if it's a hobbie I'm not interested in at all (like koi carp). I guess that's a bit strange, but um, it pays to broaden your horizons, and there's something enjoyable about good writing whatever it's about. Plus, there's something simply delicious about the delicate deployment of specialised vocabulary. Aside from that, with semi regularity I currently read (in no particular order):

What Hi-Fi, The Wire, Sound on Sound, various PC magazines, New Statesman, Private Eye, Sleazenation, Jockey Slut, Vice, Mixmag, White Dwarf, Adbusters, Q, New Scientist, Stay Free, Student BMJ & BMA News, Dazed and Confused, Diver, Paranoia, What is Enlightenment?, The Erotic Review, Scientific American, Anarchy, Wired, Ellery Queen, and I'll stop there before this list gets too stupidly long, but needless to say there are more...
17:51 / 03.10.03
that's just cause you're a zine junkie.

zine junkie zine junkie, tryin to bring us down!
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