I started writing short horror stories about 4 years ago, submitted them to online magazines and so on, and got them all rejected. When I read them over I realized they were pretty bad and should wait until I was a better writer.
So, now I've got a small corpus of, I think, saleable short stories, very few of which have anything to do with the horror genre and I have no idea what to do with them. Every magazine seems to insist that you read all their back issues to find out what kind of stuff they like, but I haven't got the time or money to go out and study the markets to find out where I "fit in". These are ideosynchratic stories, mostly, and I can't really find a common thread in terms of genre.
I'm not too picky about being paid or whatever, not for now, I just want to get in the game. Any advice or connections or printing presses in your basements, O Barbelith writers? Yes, yes, Writer's Market, but come on, seriously. |