Anyone know of one that's free, secure and doesn't run into bugs that often(or is all that for something that's free a bit too much to ask)? My popmail account's not letting me in for the past ten minutes...
HushMail is secure as in encrypted and seems to work rather well but email is inherantly an open protocol and mixing it with security is a bit of an oxymoron. Until we all get and uses PGP/GPG keys that is I suppose.
Yeah, I though ten minutes was me just being a whiner.
In secure I guess it means being less of a target for hackers and stuff like that, I haven't the foggiest how oftern this happens, though a service that good probably draws more attention than otherwise.
Or, of course, you could go for the ever trusty Postmaster. They offer a range of accounts, including a free one, have an excellent built in virus scanner and in the three years I've held an account with them I've never had a single piece of spam.