Hmmmm. 'Conspiracy' and perhaps 'social paradigm' to a lesser extent. When I say 'new world order' I'm speaking in particular about the so-called 'pax americana' that Bush and his cronies are actively pursueing with their fear tactics and cowboy diplomacy. To elaborate-
most people I mess with generally agree Gee DUH-bya strong-armed the state of Florida in the 2000 election. Now we have the California recall election, a (democratic) process initiated by a republican politico Daryl Isa who financed the early stages with his own millions.Midway through the process,Isa drops out,and the Terminator enters the fray with media machine at full steam and claiming republican allegiance. After some dubious campaigning and well orchestrated television appearances Ah-nuld is leading in the most of the polls with a wealth of powerful insiders backing him. I don't deny that California is suffering fiscally in a real way,but besides the fact that the Terminator is not the answer-I believe he is pretty much a 'straw boss' or 'face man' for the current administration that(imo)is hell bent on winning the imminent 2004 presidential election and continuing their war policies and cowboy diplomacy well into the latter half of the decade. (phwew) |