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How much worse can things possibly get ?

hanabius yamamura
11:48 / 29.09.03
... i'm trapped at work like a fly in temporal amber ... i have an outrageous hangover ( courtesy of michelob, white wine and amarreto ) and i so want to have a wee snooze

... unfortunately, i've got to 'assist' a bunch of 'alternately-minded' people discuss spirituality through the likes of intuitive drawing and sensitive touch

... time has stopped

... i have come to the conclusion that i will be here forever

... things cannot possibly get any worse ... can they ?
Tryphena Absent
11:56 / 29.09.03
Yeah they could. Someone could start to try and debate space-time shifts with you in the style of Star Trek and just not let it go.
12:03 / 29.09.03
I too, am feeling a little shaky this morning. Heavy night on Saturday, compounded yesterday. Today *everyone* is annoying me.

Could be worse though. You could be in meetings or sommat all arvo.
That'd be bad.
12:08 / 29.09.03
Or you could have woken up this morning with a clear head because you'd no friends to celebrate with? Revel in your hangover, remembering the good time you had getting it.
hanabius yamamura
12:13 / 29.09.03
the little i do remember of what was an astoundingly fun evening involves dropping some spanish marmalade on my feet and then pestering my beloved for some drunken affection - much to her amusement ie 'yes dear, you are SOOOOOOOO attractive to me right now, you blithering gleeful eejit'
Tryphena Absent
12:19 / 29.09.03
Well getting back to work is a bit of a relief after my nerve-wracking weekend (it was all families, families). Hurrah for Mondays!
hanabius yamamura
12:30 / 29.09.03
... what can be nerve-wracking enough to make you say 'hurray for mondays'? ... sounds stressful indeed ...

... just suffered hideous flashback to my drunken elvis impersonation - including karate kicks - whilst getting roundly beaten at virtua fighter 4 ... personally, i think it was the amarretto i must have an 'allergy'
12:33 / 29.09.03
Could be worse, you could work down the pit.
12:38 / 29.09.03
Or you could have just said that...
hanabius yamamura
13:15 / 29.09.03
my head has suddenly decided to improve and has cleared having extracted itself from my arse where it has nestled all day have now developed an almost overwhelming desire for burger king with extra salty chips mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, meat offcuts, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
13:17 / 29.09.03
You could be dumped by someone just to find out that they are a sham anyway, and that you wasted over a year of your life believing their lies. Because of course, you had nothing better to do. The only condolence being you are still alive, you survived their crap, deceit and realise - nothing at is true...everything is permited.

So be it..huh?
13:42 / 29.09.03
Are you sure your head has improved? Three times better than you were, huh?
hanabius yamamura
13:43 / 29.09.03
... ooooopppppsss ... apologies ... i've asked for two to be deleted - my connection went all weird on me and didn't register them
13:56 / 29.09.03
How about discovering that you've lost the contact info for a lovely gentleman who is at this minute on a plane back to Germany, then coming here and discovering that the board has developed an infestation of smileys?

(and yes, I'm mildly hung over, and a little bit sunburnt in unusual places, windburnt, and dehydrated - gotta love the Folsom Street Fair!)
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:42 / 29.09.03
you could be ungraciously, drippingly jealous of iszabelle for being at the Folsom Street Fair and unable to hide it.

or you could have spent the weekend facing the distinct possibility of being kicked out of your flat for not making rent. (thanks to a wonderful friend, danger has receeded somewhat. but isn't totally gone, and won't be for a while yet.) and thus feel like shite, due not to hangover but to not having slept a wink last night.
Whisky Priestess
22:06 / 29.09.03
You could have just overdosed out of sheer self-pity, before realising too late that you didn't really mean to ...*

*which I haven't, btw, in response to some touching concern
00:54 / 30.09.03
And you accused me of having a black heart!!

[Big, horribly expressive, sloppy smooches to both of you...]
Saint Keggers
03:29 / 30.09.03
Oh belive me it could get worse. Someone could walk by humming a song. A song that you cant get out of your head. Like the them from The Littlest Hobbo.
05:57 / 30.09.03
There's a voice, keeps on calling me...

Damn, that's buggered my day up well and truly now and it isn't even 8am. How much worse can it get?
07:50 / 29.04.04
Oh - My - God !

There's nothing I wouldn't do not to feel like this.

The first bottle was fine. The second bottle was okay too - bit pissed. Third bottle - very pissed. Fourth bottle - mistake. Tequila - stupid. Pints - idiot.


Long night, stupid boy. Went out with an ex and her sister in Epsom (where they live) as she's off travelling for 18 months with her new beau. Really didn't want to leave as I like her and wanted to spend as much time as I could with her before she went. Should've eaten though. Should've realised no one drinks tequila when they're sober - FOR A REASON! Should've known when to go and to drink water when I got back...

Have so much work to do. Have so little capacity for functioning like a proper person. I know my boss won't care - but I do.

I hate everyone.....

...that is all.
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