BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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Neat and useful webgizmo for UK Barbeloid switchboarders.

Naked Flame
09:27 / 27.02.02
Fax Your MP

Now you have no excuse not to fill their mailbags. God Bless the Internet.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:57 / 27.02.02
But please only fax YOUR MP else the people running the site get testy and start muttering about how they're going to have to shut down...
m. anthony bro
19:08 / 27.02.02
I know this is only passingly relevant, but how the jesus do UK postal codes work? I tried to put one in, just to see if I could get a random UK MP to complain to about the tax we pay on our mutton, but what the hell? Random letters do no good.
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