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Favorite Family Guy episodes


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20:59 / 28.09.03
This had to be one of the funniest shows on television, then it got canceled and now you can get every season on DVD. What was your favorite episode? Or character?

One my favorite moments - and duh this is a spoiler-was when Stewie got so fat from trying to make Chris feel bad about having to lose weight that he broke his high chair, I didn't think that something could be so funny without any dialogue (the scene mostly consisted of fat stewie drawing with his crayons while being interrupted by a creaking noise). Then that one bit where Peter imagines what Brian would be like after being neutered "I looooove chocolate. But I can't eat it or I'll get fat. but it's soooooo good."
Char Aina
21:27 / 28.09.03
there are so many...
i was trying to work my mway through the episodes on kazzaa recentl,y, and i think i have almost seen them all.

the one where they gop to hell, and see not only hitler and the like, but superman.

hey, superman, what are you doing in hell?

i killed a hooker...
she made some crack about me being faster than a speeding bullet, so i ripped her in half like a phone book.

and the episode with willy wonka(sorta), the never shown 'when you wish upon a wienstein' episode... man, i love that show.
21:49 / 28.09.03
"Welcome to Narnia! I'm Mr Tumnus!"

"Gimme back my sock, you goat-legged bastard!"
02:06 / 29.09.03
Rejoice, Seth McFarlane fans.

Any wagers as to how short it'll play on the air?
Char Aina
03:07 / 29.09.03
if your mass wasnt so distended, i would kiss it!
04:26 / 29.09.03
Aw shucks, toksik.

And I have to say the shooting-off-the-JFK-head-of-a-Pez-dispenser-gag was the one moment where i was sold.

KID: Good thing I have my RFK Pez dispenser to replace it. (sound of gunshot)
06:11 / 29.09.03
D. Mass what episode was that... i can hear it in my head but not see it... damn...

this show was just so great... my favorite joke ever is Peter drinking the wine at church

Peter: This is the blood of Christ? Man, he must've been wasted 24/7!
06:26 / 29.09.03
that sounds pretty funny, a right wing cia dad with a french speaking goldfish and a housebound alien!

what about when stewie goes to that school for the arts and that little girl olivia calls him the weakest link after his performance and he just completely chews her out with irony like "oh you're SO funny! wow, do you have someone writing for you, or did you come up with that all by yourself? do you have any jokes from the titanic, because we might as well get them while they're at their height of popularity..."

or that long fight between peter and the giant chicken that gave him a bad coupon.
06:27 / 29.09.03
yeah that Jesus joke is in like two episodes, the first one and I forgot the other one, I think it was fifteen minutes of shame.
Old brown-eye is back
08:47 / 29.09.03
There are loads, but for off the top of my head:

- The bit in the end of the world episode where they meet Randy Newman sat under a tree singing what he sees.
- Peter lying without bones in the bath tub in the last episode ever.
- Peter getting his bottom lip caught on a branch while falling out of a tree
- From the same episode, Peter trying to breast feed Stewie
- Peter's reaction on seeing Joe for the first time: "Holy crip, he's a crapple."

This is definitely the best thread ever - and yes I am obsessed. Hopelessly, pitifully obsessed.
12:27 / 29.09.03
"As for you kind sage, I can only hope my heartfelt gratitude will keep you warm as you spend the next ten years -- FROZEN IN CARBONITE!!" ZZZZAP!
17:58 / 29.09.03
"Maybe you killed her when you stuffed all those dollar bills down her throat. Maybe you killed her when you hit her with the stool. I don't, I'm not a doctor. But I can tell ya what didn't kill her: smoking."

Lethal Weapons: Stewie (sp?) is at his best.

"What the hell are you doing? Those are my grahamcrackers!...I'm going to go find something to strike you with."

And Brian, "I'm a megalomaniacal anti-christ who will probably abandon my plans for world domination when I fall in love with a rough trick named Jim."

Lois: Clutching Peter's balls in front of a crowd, "This is mine, this is where my babies come from."

But I am Peter,Hear me roar has the best scene ever. Come on, what could ever be better than watching Peter breast feed Stewie?
02:53 / 30.09.03
ahhh man, that was fucking gross!!! euuh. I was entranced by the sickness of that bit.

what about that one where stewie tries to console peter on the mister saturday night episode "yeah, yer..yer....yer doing goooood" "hey big fella, how ya dooin' you want a sooda? ah screw it I tried."
05:39 / 30.09.03
when brian came back from hollywood:

"he must be a mallanchollie (sp?). oh, oh, or maybe a chi-wa-wa. (beat) i don't have to fucking impress you." exit stage right.
the rake at the gates
07:53 / 01.10.03
'a minority suspect...and he's got a gun'
'ever whack a guy, ever off a guy, ever whack off a guy'
'lets hope osama bin laden doesn't know show tunes'
'rupert where are the bags?, you were looking at the boys again weren't you rupert!'
'i just kissed my sweetheart with my fist'
'thats right mr giraffe lick all marmalade off'

getting funny looks in the office as i type this trying not to start laughing out loud
Ellis says:
08:29 / 01.10.03
Stewies version of Rocket Man is better than Elton Johns, isn't that strange?

Best line is Peter's in the Jewish episode which begins:
'If I'm a child Lois, then that makes you a paedophile...'
13:22 / 01.10.03
Lois: What you're doing, Stewie?
Stewie: We're playing house!
Lois: But your friend is tied up on a chair in our basement and you're spanking him!
Stewie: We're playing Roman Polanski's house!
18:05 / 01.10.03
when peter looks at the birds in his beard "look lois, they're just like us(the first one's head turns into chris', the second one's turns into stewies and he can't remember meg so he puts bobba fett's head in her place)sweeet."

the newscaster diane "all of quahog is suffering because of the freak heatwave." tom "I don't think you should use the word freak diane" flash back to tom and his son "finish your oatmeal son." "why bother! I'm just a freak! just a freak!" then back to tom we're all different diane each one of us."
04:57 / 01.03.04
I swear they canceled it so they could get money off of the dvds since they knew how huge of a fanbase it had. right?
15:20 / 01.03.04
Chris looks down at a twinkie, points to it..."I'm gonna turn you into poo". This slays me very time I see it.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:20 / 01.03.04
I LOVED that joke...I remember the first time I saw it, I was laughing so hard I missed the next five minutes of the show. I didn't think anyone else like that joke, since whenever I use it, no one laughs.
23:05 / 01.03.04
Yeah, I get the same (lack of) response....but that doesn't stop me from using it. The look of bewilderment is almost as good.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:15 / 03.03.04
The time when Peter runs over Roadrunner...

Stewie soundboard.
Saint Keggers
23:05 / 25.03.04
FYI they're making 22 new episodes for 2005.
Phex: Dorset Doom
23:36 / 25.03.04
Peter and Lois walk in on Brian beating off to 'kinky canine coeds'
Lois: Was he just mastur-
Peter: Yes... do you think we rub his nose in it?
23:48 / 25.03.04
Not episode, but scene: THE CHICKEN FIGHT (New Years Episode)... OMG... I saw this while blazing... by Christ I almost had a lung collapse I laughed so hard. If you haven't seen this yet, pls, do yourself and watch it! Words... Cannot... Describe... Shoulda... Sent... A Poet.

"Chicken... Gave me a bad... !!GAHHH!!!"
01:12 / 26.03.04
I just about wet myself laughing at the episode where Peter discovers he has a black ancestor. The animatronics at the Irish history museum ... Peter blowing his slavery reparation money on making a recreation of Pee Wee's Playhouse in his home ... oh man! So good!
02:54 / 26.03.04
hell yeah, I loved that chicken fight scene, I thought you were talking about that one where peter was on about his diminutive great grandfather benito juarez griffin that fought that chicken in a cockfight, anyways yeah.
03:14 / 26.03.04
-the clip with the Hitler Show. ('imagine a world where Hitler was still alive' and he has a talk show.)

-the one where Peter is feminized so his friends take him to the Million Man March and he goes up in front of the crowds of black people to talk about what's wrong with men, but they take it as what's wrong with black men and says: "You're what's wrong with America! You are the reason their is so much crime and violence!" Then they chase him.

Gotta love that offensive humor.
Jack Denfeld
09:49 / 26.03.04
When Peter runs over a jogger and stops the car and says "Are you Stephen King?". The guy says, "No, I'm Dean Koontz". So Peter gets back in the car and runs him over again.
07:34 / 27.03.04
Meg: I hate these glasses, why won't you get me laser surgery.
Lois: I'm sorry honey, but I just don't think it's safe.

Cut to Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi with lightsabers drawn, and a woman lying on the operating table.
Luke prepares to make the incision.
Obi-Wan: Use the force Luke.
Luke: Are you sure, I was just going to...
Obi-Wan: Use the force!
Luke Skywalker levitates the lightsaber and drives it through the patient's head.
Luke: There, are you happy?!?
Obi-Wan: I've never been happy.
01:16 / 28.03.04
One word...

01:17 / 28.03.04
in that hitler show he was talking to some celebrity "so, they tell me in your next movie we get to see your butt?" "yeah." "can we see it now?" "okay." "oh my God! he's going to do it!"
Bastard Tweed
06:56 / 29.03.04
Peter: I've got it! I've figured out a solution to Chris's problem.
Lois: It doesn't have anything to do with Tony Robbins does it?
Peter: Oh, no. I learned my lesson the last time

(Cut to Tony Robbins doing a book signing. Peter walks up to him)
Peter: Say would you sign my copy of your book for me?
Tony Robbins: (looks up at Peter)Tony Robbins . . . Hungry. (unhinges his jaw and swallows Peter whole)
00:02 / 30.03.04
FYI they're making 22 new episodes for 2005.

I'm amazed no one's said anything about this yet- this is potentially excellent news, unless they change all the voice actors.

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