Grabbed the trade for cheap off ebay. Read the first issue last week, and wasn't too impressed. I'm thinking to myself that JMS does have way to big a rep for what he delivers.
Then last night, started reading it again, and finished the whole thing off. I literally couldn't put it down. It really sucks you in.
I'd agree that it is stonger in its first half, but its still good overall. JMS did seem to get a better hold of the script throughout. In the first issue, it seems a bit choopy, but from then on it does flow pretty well. Even when someone's giving a page long speech. A tad predictable yes (I mean, its pretty obvious Laurel is an angel from the get go), but JMS does a good job keeping that out of your mind when reading it. Also liked the use of Lucifer. His name is never said/mentioned is it? Good in that it is obvious who it is, so we didn't need to be told like in traditional comic stories ("kneel before Doom/Zod" etc.)Also, I did feel sympathy for him (drumroll). So good job there.
Frank's art is very strong. It does carry the book at times. I can't shake the feeling but that his work back in the day on Hulk was a tad better. It could be the inking, but his art used to be a touch 'softer'. His work nowadays seems to be more sharper. But its still good stuff.
Is Rising Stars any good at all? Never read it, and opinion seems to be mixed on it. |