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US Concentration Camps

Rev. Wright
12:05 / 25.02.02
In the Invisibles, Boy introduces the narrative to teh conspiracy of US Concentration Camps, where the political and social unwanted are transported to by trains.
I discovered this site in a posting.

US Concentration camps
18:51 / 25.02.02
Thanks WiWW. Now I'm scared and laughing at the same time.
the Fool
19:48 / 25.02.02
I followed this link from the above mentioned page.

Watch out everyone...


Everyone and everything seems to be implicated. These people need to get in touch with RRM inc. immediately...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:46 / 25.02.02
It's rather depressing to see an interveiw with Noam Chomsky next to an article on how occult evidence points to a government conspiracy.
the Fool
09:11 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Mordant C@rnival:
It's rather depressing to see an interveiw with Noam Chomsky next to an article on how occult evidence points to a government conspiracy.

I think its a counter-conspiracy to make sure Noam is always associated with nutters, thus discrediting what he has to say and making his opinions seem 'way out there looniville' without actually refering to anything he had to say.

...eeekk. That almost sounds plauable...

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: the Fool ]
Murray Hamhandler
14:42 / 27.02.02
quote:Originally posted by the Fool:

...eeekk. That almost sounds plauable...

Yes. Yes it does.
Arthur Sudnam
Francine I
14:55 / 27.02.02
In fact, the U.S. government used to pay a lot of people a lot of money to do things just like that. Historical fact, and stuff.
Captain Zoom
17:24 / 27.02.02
You mean Noam Chomsky isn't just a complete nutter?




The Monkey
17:26 / 27.02.02
not quite a complete nutter. just conceited. but nobody deserves to be thrown in with that's like the salad bar of conspiracy theory. The only thing I can think of that's worse is "Children of the Matrix."

[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: [stupid, stupid monkeys] ]
17:38 / 27.02.02
I thought they were funding Chomsky to make these people look like nutters. I'm so confused...
rizla mission
10:08 / 28.02.02
I got an email once (passed on by a friend) from this guy who was seriously into the idea of American concentration camps - included a huuugggee 'essay'/rant on the subject..

I can probably dig it up if anyone's interested..
Math is for suckers!
00:41 / 05.03.02
the camps are run by FEMA and have been around for a while. heres an article on them for anyone whos interstedabove top secret
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