Lady, it's easier than you might think. I'm going to crag Jenny Everywhere - shriek! - but wait! - since she exists in all dimensions simultaneously and you haven't specified which one you're offering, I can just push a boring, nasty, badly-written version of Jenny (one as yet unpublished, I hasten to add, obviously) off the cliff, and the rest will live to dance another day.
Not that much to choose between the other two in terms of appeal as far as I'm concerned, as I'm sure you well know (have I had these before, like twice before or something?). But I think that Peaches has the slight edge in terms of being just a little bit smarter, a little bit funnier, a little bit more interesting and awe-inspiringly creative, so she shall be my husband. Much as I love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I think I might start to find Karen O annoying if we were in a long-term relationship, so it's just a date with the night (boom-BOOM!) for her.
Three for Benjamin Birdie:
The Love Below
The shattered remains of Charles Xavier's dream of mutant/human tolerance and integration |