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Haus? (Or anyone else for that matter...)

19:22 / 25.09.03
"Lindseys email addy"

With this sentence, do I need to put the ' after the S in Lindsey, or between the Y and the S, or is it not needed? I could really do with some clarification on how exactly the ' should be used in any context.

Cheers in advance dude!
Linus Dunce
19:32 / 25.09.03
Apostrophe basics:

Lindseys = more than one Lindsey

Lindsey's email = an email belonging to Lindsey

Lindseys' website = an website belonging to more than one Lindsey (I don't know, maybe a Lindsey club :-)

But ...

It's = short for "it is."

Its website = A website belonging to it.

Its' = always wrong.

That's about it really. If you have something belonging to somebody or thing that ends in an 'S', it's OK to write either "the boss's website" or the "boss' website."
Lurid Archive
19:33 / 25.09.03
Between the y and the s. To construct the possessive, at the end of the word and before the s if the noun is singular or if it is plural but not constructed with an s, I think.


girl's football team (a single girl owning a football team)
girls' football team (girls owning, or comprising said football team)
women's football team - as above
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:14 / 25.09.03
I'm an apostrophe,
I shorten what you say to me,
I'm not a comma, I'm not a full stop,
Don't put me on the line, I go at the top!

(From Look and Read, which also had the Magic E song.)
Mourne Kransky
20:31 / 25.09.03
"addy" is such an ugly contraction.

This Addy is lovely though:
22:10 / 25.09.03
I'd imagine any sentence with the word "addy" doesnt require apostrophes. Is Haus an apostrophe expert?
22:20 / 25.09.03
Every sentence which requires apostrophes requires apostrophes.
22:21 / 25.09.03
^that was a great sentence, which didn't require apostrophes (require apastropes)^
22:28 / 25.09.03
The fact that it didn't require apostrophes meant that it didn't require apostrophes. If it had described the email "addy" belonging to Lindsey or the communal email "addy" to which groups of Lindseys might write, it'd have required an apostrophe to tell us which.
22:41 / 25.09.03
What I meant, was that it was a great sentence (because of repeatingness). Not requiring apostrophes was incidental. I think im too easily amused.
22:45 / 25.09.03
I don't require apostrophes. I merely choose to use them.

I could stop using them any time I wanted.
00:24 / 26.09.03
Why Haus?
Saint Keggers
00:33 / 26.09.03
Because it's related and because I love this comic:
00:36 / 26.09.03
That pissed-off flower deserves his own comic!

Grant: This is the kind of question Haus could answer in his sleep, is why!
02:16 / 26.09.03
This thread made me briefly consider changing my suitname to "Count Addy". It was very briefly, though.
08:41 / 26.09.03
"addy" means address?
That's awful. *shudder*

Aside - Ganesh, there's a book out (soon?) called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" which you may like, by Lynne Truss. All about misplaces apostrophes, commas etc.
09:08 / 26.09.03
Bob the Angry Flower does have his own comic. It's Bob's Comic's extract's anger's funniness that deserves it's own 'addy'.
Tryphena Absent
09:10 / 26.09.03
Everything's coming up roses
Mourne Kransky
09:35 / 26.09.03
George Bernard Shaw despised and reviled the apostrophe and wrote all his great plays without any apostrophising at all. He was rubbish in bed though.

I quite like 'em, however, if used with élan.
09:42 / 26.09.03
Kegboy- thank you so much for posting that. It now resides on the noticeboard at work where all the illiterate day-shift fucks whose summaries I have to rewrite can see it.
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