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Let the moralistic crusade begin!!

18:25 / 23.02.02,1294,44398,00.html

Ashcroft, not satisfied with a bra on the statue of Justice, now wants to ban internet porn. Ribald burlesque shows and speakeasies soon to follow.

quote: In explicit terms, the attorney general told Congress this week that hardcore sex sites would no longer be selling peeks at balloon-breasted babes.

"I am concerned about obscenity and I'm concerned about obscenity as it relates to our children," Ashcroft said in his first appearance before the House Judiciary Committee.

He said Justice Department prosecutors would help state officials imprison sex-site operators that feature obscene images: "We try to be especially accommodating to local law enforcement to assist them, and I would think that would be an objective of ours in this respect."

—| x |—
22:20 / 23.02.02
[flippancy warning]

How naive is that Ashcroft anyway: everyone knows that internet porn isn't about "peeks at balloon breasted babes." It's about hardcore fistfucking, beastiality, and strange things people do with food!

Besides, if the internet lost all its porn sites, then what would be left? It'd probably collapse for lack of content! And if ya' thought the dotcom sector has been shakey lately...

[please continue with your regularly scheduled thread]

22:39 / 23.02.02
Banning internet porn sites is like killing cockroaches; for every one you put down five more pop up in its place.

Ashcroft is fighting a losing battle, he's not going to be able to ban internet porn, no matter how hard he tries.

Anyway, shouldn't a child's access to pornography be controlled by parents? I mean if a parent doesn't want their child looking at overly-developed young women doing unspeakable things to farm animals then wouldn't they use surfwatch or one of those other internet blocking programs?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:01 / 24.02.02
I see this as one fo those things that the Bushie have to do to keep the Religious Right happy. There is no way he'll be able to ban them, due to the Surpreme Court basically striking down any law that would stop this sort of business...

And even so, how hard is it to set up outside the US and evade its juristidction?

I'm not going to worry about it. I'll still get my porn.
10:20 / 24.02.02
quote:shouldn't a child's access to pornography be controlled by parents?
would you let your child order any video they wanted, watch it alone in their rooms and not even check? Well, I'd hope not, anyway.

the only thing that will ever stop porn (be it internet or other) is if it becomes unprofitable, and I doubt that will ever happen while we are still human
Cherry Bomb
17:36 / 24.02.02
Ah yes, but recall the fact that this the same guy who ordered the two art deco statues that are behind him when he speaks (and have been there since the 1920s, for fuck's sake!) partially covered because he felt uncomfortable with the fact that the women's breasts were visible in pictures.

It's ASHCROFT. He is a hard-core Christian. I'm sure he wants all pornography sites banned, sincerely.

More tomorrow when I actually have a working brain...
m. anthony bro
19:31 / 24.02.02
it takes a two thirds vote in both houses of Congress and a two-thirds vote in the legislatures of two thirds of the states to alter the Constitution of the United States, and this includes the one that guarantees free speech. John Ashcroft is a dork of the first order, but as he knows, because he was a Senator from Missouri at the time the Communications Decency Act was passed, that unconstituional means "unconstitutional" and not "unconstitutional unless the Attorney General has a different idea".
John Ashcroft's life seems to be devoted to spurning the things God created for enjoyment in order to worship it. Whillakers, what a brain.
Your porn is safe.
20:37 / 24.02.02
I remember reading an interview with a couple of German students a while ago, when the German government or police or faction thereof announced a huge crackdown on "obscenity".

Basically, they said, "oh, this is enormously encouraging. This is what the storm troppers do when they're on the ropes and can't think of anything more clever to be against. It means we're winning."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:36 / 24.02.02
How on earth does this bottle-fed neurotic propose to track down all the porn sites on the net? Run a Google search on the word "porn", and then send sharply-worded emails to all the site owners?

Ye gods and little fishes.
22:50 / 24.02.02
I believe there are a couple of sites dealing with that combination, yes. Although I have to say it's never really done much for me personally.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. You may now all stone me with fishfood.
Lurid Archive
22:50 / 24.02.02
quote: How on earth does this bottle-fed neurotic propose to track down all the porn sites on the net?

I suppose they could commision a team of researchers to root it out. It would be a dereliction of duty not to volunteer for such a worthy cause...

[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Lurid Archive ]
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