Now I know Tom likes to say Mods are also responsible for stimulating conversation and such, but I like to think that job is everyone's responsibility. Mods just get to push buttons and clean up trolls and spammers.
Though we do get our names fameously up in lights, which implies what we say must be terribly important and you all must do our bidding (so off to ebay with you, there's a piece of Sara Michelle Geller's wardrobe I've had my eye on). So, its natural to assume we must have more social duties than pushing buttons. I suppose that's unavoidable, and the mods of a forum are likely to be looked to first when there's a problem of some sort. So like it or not, there's an expectation of nannyhood implied in the job. At the least, when a thread goes off topic, the responsibility to whine about it goes first to us. We don't all do that to a great extent, but its expected, so might as well be taken into account. |