GreenMann (see? I can spell your name right if I really try):
Nick, by your "yes" reply, I take it you WOULD have objected to the assassination of Hitler who, by the way, I find it hard to compare with Ghandi, Arafat, Adams, Sadat, or even Begin!
I'm not really convinced either way, but can't help thinking that, in the cases of Hitler and Bush, humankind would benefit if they had been bumped off.
I would have objected to the assassination of Hitler any time up until the start of WWII. After that it becomes more difficult to draw a line between assassination and military action.
It's not, incidentally, that I think there's a valid comparison between Gandhi and Hitler, but that's because I'm not a member of the British Imperial Service during Gandhi's period as a leader of resistance in India. As far as the Empire was concerned, Gandhi was a troublemaker, an insurrectionist, and a traitor to the Empire. He represented disintegration, the greatest fear of the Imperial administration.
Arafat, Sadat, and Begin have all at one time or another been terrorists or monsters to someone, and all are now thought of as statesmen - like Gandhi.
And yes, it's easy to say in retrospect that Hitler should have been killed off. At the time, however, the Endloesung wasn't common knowledge and Hitler was a democratically-elected leader - albeit in a rather murky sense of the term. But that awareness of election-rigging and the perversion of democracy is part of the post-WWII world.
More, we cannot know what shape the world would have taken without Hitler. Consider the spectre of Stalin (never by any means a Socialist or a lover of freedom under any banner) ripping through Europe from the East to possess a de-industrialised Germany, and grant himself access to the resources of France and Spain. Then see the UK failing to withstand Stalin's onslaught, and the possible consequences of the US facing off against a Eurasian Socialist Republic. You can imagine a war running to a decade, concluded only by a limited nuclear engagement which inflicts famine and fallout across the planet...
Or any number of other things. Assassinating fulcrum players in the global arena does not decrease insecurity. |