If someone tells you to go fuck yourself, now you can say you have
Ha! And I was great, too.
I apologize, May Tricks, for how vague the topic was. I was interupted before I could go into any detail or ask any intelligent questions, and had to jet off to find a new job. Will try harder next time. Really, I'm curious about your (not just you, but anyone who has two cents to throw in) interpretations of the symbolism in the dream, and what you think of my interpretations.
I think I was accessing my female side, in a "break glass in case of emergency" kind of way. Like I was in danger of being way too off balance in a spiritual sense, so I found a way to bring out my more female aspects.
I'm also wondering if this is as big a deal as I originally thought it was. At first, I was like "sweet! This dream is chock full of mystic symbolism!". Now, I realize that at 21, I am just beginning the down slide of my sexual peak. Maybe I was just balancing myself after a few years being primarily male in essence. Not such a big deal, but it's still cool I can monitor that sort of thing.
And I can't lie, I have felt more complete since the dream. More balanced. I feel like I flow better now, that I'm more "in tune" with everything. That's why magic seems easier. Not only am I the Thunderbolt, I am the Dark Void that recieves it. I've got a more complete picture of what's going on inside myself, and therefore I have a more complete picture of what's going on outside.
Am I making sense? Am I full of shit, looking too deep into an average dream? Are all of my post-dream symptoms of a more balanced being merely psychosomatic? Even if they are, does it really matter at all? What do you think?
By the way, Quantum, I know little about alchemy, so an alcemical view of this dream would be appreciated.
Side note: Comparing the male and female orgasm has been a lot of fun. A male orgasm is like being struck in the back of the head by a bolt of lightning and having it shoot out your penis. The female orgasm felt more like the shock wake of a thunderbolt, like you hear the "Crack!" of thunder and then whoa shockwave after shockwave flows through you, like it's echoing of the walls, and you kinda melt or something. Definately felt like waves rather than the super-fast particle nature of a male orgasm. It felt great.
Quick question: I'm sure plenty of us have used the energy of an orgasm in a magicky way. How do the uses of the two orgasms differ? How do you decide when to use a thunderbolt or a dark void? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? |