After falling into a fitful sleep following a load of smoky gas coming out of a plug socket he was sitting quite close to, retired moderator Ganesh awakes in the office of the sinister controller, 'TC'.
Ganesh: What am I doing here? I've handed in my badge, damn you!
TC: Moderators don't retire, Ganesh. You should know that.
Ganesh: I did!
TC: You think you did. I prefer to think of you as merely... resting.
Ganesh: Why can't you leave me in peace, you monster!
TC: There's a little... trouble we need you to sort out. In the Film, Movies and TV forum.
Ganesh: FM&TV?! You know I swore never to go back there! Not after...
TC: We've smoothed everything over with our American allies after your remarks about US TV drama. There will be no repercussions.
Ganesh: But...
TC: One more mission, Ganesh. One more.
Ganesh: And then you'll leave me be? Let me retire?
TC: We'll see. We'll see. |