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Quantum Leap series finale (SPOILERS)

Jack Denfeld
04:01 / 23.09.03
I downloaded this today because I've never seen it and I used to enjoy Quantum Leap as a kid. Sam finds that he's leaped into a bar on the day of his birth. But he's made the leap in his own body, and can see himself in the mirror and how he's aged over the years while leaping. The bar is full of people with familiar names, and the bartender seems to know a lot. Sam and an old man help save two of the town's trapped miners, but Sam doesn't leap after this, the old man does! And when Sam asks the people in the bar about it, they claimed not to have seen the old man, but recognize the name as the man has been dead for several years. The bartender knows everything, and Sam believes the bartender is God, or Time, or Fate. Sam believes that the bartender has been the one leaping Sam through time, but the bartender says it's Sam who's been making himself leap and that he can stop anytime he wants. Sam breaks down, starts crying, and says that he wants to go home. Than he says he has to right a wrong and he leaps back to a previous mission where he tell's Al's wife that Al was still alive and was a p.o.w. and that he would eventually return. Then the screen fades to black, and some text tells us that Al's wife never remarried and that Al and his wife ended up having 4 children and a long wonderful marriage. Then I was expecting something good for Sam and got these words instead. "Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home." Sad, sad, sad.

I still have some questions about the whole thing, but will wait for anyone else's comments.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:43 / 23.09.03
Aaah Quantum Leap, my entire family were fans of that when it got shown on BBC2, the Hallowe'en episode scared the shit out of me as I recall and the Lee Harvey Oswald episode one they shouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole.

The last episode is very strange and also very sad, what with Sam continuing to Leap but now without Al to help him. I seem to remember though that the bartender said that everything about the Leap was controlled by Sam, he just didn't want to accept that, so perhaps he was able to leap without frying his memory every time and was able to make peace with his mission, or find another life as good as the one he left behind.
Chubby P
08:32 / 23.09.03
I hated the end of Quantum Leap! It really pissed me off. Sam never goes home. They seemed to have forgotten all about Sams wife. And I can't remember why else it annoyed me!

Good series though!
10:43 / 23.09.03
I really liked the ending - but then I loved the whole show although watching it again recently it didn't have the same effect. I thought it was a nice way of ending letting him get home wouldn't have worked I don't think as he'd been away for so long and could still do good. The Evil Leaper is still the coolest though and the Halloween one mentioned was the only episode I hadn't seen and it rocked too Al as the devil....nice one.
H3ct0r L1m4
03:38 / 24.09.03
I loved this series too; went all over episode guides before I had a 'net connection, bought the comics, watched all the reruns I could until the bitter end.

stupid ending. read somewhere about an alternate ending. the problem with the series is that it was broken from the start. when they couldn't decide if Sam's body or mind [spirit, whatever] that was leaping they showed they had no grip over the story. and the ending confirmed that; they had a lot of seasons to at least *stabilish* some loose conceptual ends but didn't - this was not the case of story being opened to interpretations.

so his whole body leaped through time and by some never quite explained side effect everybody just saw the original person's features, mistaking Sam for them. even when he was a woman. I love me mad SF, but this is people not knowing what to do or a lot of producers poking their fingers on the scripts.

they had something going with closed plots here and there [wasn't there a Lee Harvey two-parter?], cool ideas [leaping into a chimp] or even scenes with people were shown in the quantum lab. but that was it. this could simply be fixed with stabilishing it was Sam's mind that made the leap when the accelerator was ['ramdomly'] turned on.

fun series when those glitches were not in the way. I loved the leap effect.

and damn, just read a tv movie is being made:
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:03 / 24.09.03
Personally, I thought the finale was perfect. It was clearly established that Sam would stop leaping once he fixed everything.

And there was no way for him to do so.

He just kept trying and made the world better in small bits until he was gone. That was the heroic thing to do.

Sorry, but I just don't understand why the idea of him doing that is a bad ending? Oh, and his wife? He didn't have one when he started leaping. He got married as a result of one of his leaps.
04:12 / 24.09.03
I loved the ending. I'm a sucker for the idea of using yourself up to save the world (probably the Christian upbringing). Hence also loving the Flaming Lips.
12:47 / 24.09.03
I still get a little weepy when I remember those words "Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home." Man! Remember the episode when he was able to be back with his wife in the future, but he had to go back into the time chamber to save Al!?!?

Of course I'm a big softy. I also got weepy when they left out the music for the end credits of Dr. Who and just showed Adric's shattered mathematics badge.

And don't get me started on how John Crichton went out...
A Bigger Boat
20:34 / 24.09.03
How could you not love the final episode?

The logical conclusion is that Sam Beckett leaps until he experiences the entire lives of everyone who existed from the moment of his birth to the moment of his death (first leap).

Talk about empathy.

Talk about metatext.

I'm pretty sure that the guy who played the barman in the final episode also played a character in the pilot (or at least one of the early eps). Maybe this was a foreshadowing of his last leap.

Samuel Beckett: everyman: waiting for Godot: the all American good guy: experiencing the world through the eyes of everyone who ever existed during his lifetime as a way of understanding the grand plan, and that he is an integral part of that plan, as are we all.

Beats the final episode of The Prisoner into a cocked hat.

(I am also drunk as I type this and filled with nostalgia).
Jack Denfeld
22:11 / 24.09.03
No, I liked the last episode, it just made me sad.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:01 / 25.09.03
I thought they'd decided by about halfway through the series that Sam's body leapt but he maintained the 'aura' of the person he leapt into, which was how he could leap into a blind pianest and see, into a disabled man and walk, and into a chimpanzee and give birth. But 'Project Quantum Leap' wasn't ready to go when Sam first leapt, so there were other things as well, such as when Sam gave birth, which was a useful cheat. Al said that whenever he was with Sam he saw him as whoever he'd leapt into, which gave him a treat when Sam jumped into a nubile young woman.
12:04 / 25.09.03
hypocritamus of course under your conclusionthat sam will leap until he has been everyone and given he is doing it at god/time/fate's behest humanity has no free will...
12:26 / 25.09.03
The more I think about it, the more I think Sam is God. He's omnipresent, omniscient, and omnibody... but only a little at a time. He's God who doesn't remember he's God. Or maybe he's Jesus, dying for each of sins, one at a time.....
A Bigger Boat
18:00 / 25.09.03
plenty of free will to be had. Sam is dead, exists outside time and is able to explore a four dimensional creation - as stated above - a little at a time.

by experiencing creation through everyone he is perfecting flaws in it. Putting right what once went wrong. Within time free will tends to fuck things up. Outside of it Sam acts as an agent of the creator, perfecting an imperfect creation.

Gnosticism ahoy.

(sidenote: am also sober now and wish to retract previous statement about the last episode of The Prisoner. 'Fallout' knocks my gibbering mind into a universe-shaped cocked hat)
H3ct0r L1m4
19:10 / 25.09.03
you're right about the 'aura' theory being explained halfway through, WDYLtm?WTPL?. my problem with it is that I find it shitty.

the 'god experiencing everybody' is good, though after reading Amit Goswami lately I'm inclined to think both free will and fate are one and the same.

if the tv movie writers are to give the script any meat they could incorporate those concepts somewhere.

like they will.
Char Aina
19:55 / 25.09.03
i always thought sam was god too.

imagine god sending himself as his own son to earth.


now imagine him sending himself as a member of the new religious order, science, and erasing his own memory of who he is.

he would do that because science has the real power to alter in today's climate, and hide it from himself so as not to draw ridicule. the 'accident' that sends him forever through his own creation was predestined, it was always part of the plan. the sadness in sam's heart is because he has become too attached to the life that was built to hide his divinity.

with all his leaps, he will eventually come to realise his place, and when he does, it will be because he has fixed the creation. after that, he can return home, or rejoin the godhead.

it's bit like thor being donald blake, sorta. thor crossed with a certain invisibles character, who shall remain nameless for spoilage reasons.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:48 / 26.09.03
Fuck, let's go the whole Morrison 9 yards...

God decides it's time to experience what it's like to be human and becomes human, experiences life as Sam Beckett, but when it comes time to turn himself back to God again he's half forgotten that he's God and so traps himself into ricocheting through people's lives, by 'being' other people his subconscious is trying to make him remember that the 'I' of Sam Beckett is an illusion and when he achieves that he will transcend that once more and become God. 'Al', 'Ziggy', 'Gucci' and 'The Barkeep' are all angels that Sam must meet on his journey to his destiny of full realisation because, still having ties to a mortal being, if he were to be blasted with the truth of who he was it would ruin his sanity and his body and the last thing the angel's want is a mad, crippled God who's pissed off.
16:55 / 26.09.03
missed the god aspect of Sam I must admit, but I was young and not as well read as I am now.

To me Sam was a ghost, dying in the first leap and having to leap again and again because he failled to do the one thing he could (inform Al's wife), but once he did that in the final episode he could lay himself to rest or go on to the next level as it were.

I never got that he was continuing his mission, just that every leap after his "failure" was his own punishment on himself, under (I guess) the statement: "this time I'll do it right".

And thinking about it, wasn't his meeting with Al's wife just part of his mission at the time?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:32 / 27.09.03
Perhaps he destroyed himself by negating his past. After all, he once leaped into Doctor Ruth so that Doctor Ruth could help Al with his problems relating to women caused by his first wife leaving him because she thought he was dead. By making her know that Al was still alive while a POW that could completely rewrite the history of project Quantum Leap. Perhaps Dr. Beckett never made it home because he then never left...
Jack Denfeld
18:45 / 08.03.06
Some info on the tv movie here.
From that site.
Twenty years after the original series left Dr. Sam Beckett "leaping" into the great unknown, Sam is finally reunited with Al, his old mentor and "partner in time." But when circumstances beyond their control send Sam away once more, Al must recruit his lost friend's daughter to pick up where her father left off and hopefully help find Sam again in the process.
H3ct0r L1m4
16:15 / 10.03.06
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