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Nietzsch E. Coyote
23:38 / 22.09.03
I just want to say that absinth kicks ass and that I am drunk on it right now!
De Selby
01:01 / 23.09.03
Absinthe does indeed kick arse. The only thing is that where I live, legislation prevents absinthe from containing more than 10mg of Wormwood, and it can only be used as a "flavouring".

Still, you drink enough of it....

How are you preparing it? Are you doing the whole cook and then pour through ice and sugarcubes?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
03:13 / 23.09.03
burning sugar my man!
09:38 / 23.09.03
I'm a big fan.....though I'd rather have a good Mescal.
De Selby
09:53 / 24.09.03
oooh whats mescal?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:52 / 24.09.03
mescaline? what Aldous Huxley had?
Mourne Kransky
11:20 / 24.09.03
Mescal is a spirit, brewed from the agave cactus, popular in Mexico. Like tequila’s tougher older brother. It usually comes with a worm (or sometimes a scorpion) pickled in the bottle. It tastes foul, btw.

Mescaline is a hallucinogenic drug derived, I believe, from peyote. Perhaps there is a Mexican-vegetable-origin link between the two.

And they say that "Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder..." It also tastes foul, btw.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
13:23 / 24.09.03
the cheap czech shit that I got tastes like bad scope.
the better stuff that I have had elsewhere tasted like ouzo.

xoc thanks for the info on Mescal.
salix lucida
14:38 / 24.09.03
m. Absinthe. I rather like it, from the homebrews I've been subjected to, though more for the type of drunk than the taste (described by my dear love after spitting a sip of it out all over our campfire as "It tastes like a goth pissed in my mouth!"). Burning sugar makes it all better, and more like ouzo than ashes.
14:57 / 24.09.03
Mescal and mescaline were both named for mescal beans, which tend to grow near cacti like agave and peyote, if I remember right. The flashy flowers of that plant are used to find the others.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:24 / 24.09.03
faething, that's going right into Barbequotes and is now my new most favourite phrase ever.

You can get proper absinthe over here in Spain, y'know. It's fucking evil!
Mourne Kransky
20:45 / 24.09.03
thanks I c d U 2, think it's been fixed. Should have remembered the "copy and paste from Word" problem with the "quotation" marks.

Mescal may taste like shite but, as Faething says, it's a great drunk. I have never eaten the worm though.
salix lucida
23:58 / 29.09.03
Xoc, I haven't actually tried mescal... I'm a big wimp about dead things. Good to know the drunk's about the same, then. Means I won't have to get over myself and try it any time soon just to know.

And yeah, I couldn't pass up quoting 'im on that that one once we started talking about absinthe. then I forgot about the thread for days. Oops.
00:49 / 30.09.03
Never had anything like real absinthe. [It's a fun (though overpriced) little restaurant here...]

Mescal, though - my first experience with it was the best. A friend had a bottle of homebrew (no label, recycled bottle, big ol' worm in the bottom) that he'd gotten from his sweetie... It was kind of sweet, definitely a high-proof drink, and packed a buzz that didn't feel like it was just alcohol. The commercial stuff pales by comparison...
Baz Auckland
01:41 / 30.09.03
Mescal... I remember the supermarkets in Mexico selling big 4L jugs of the stuff. I was never brave enough to buy it, and stuck to the certified Hornitos.. Mmmm.. Hornitos! The best tequila!
Perfect Tommy
16:46 / 02.10.03
I've been drinking mine by pouring a shot, putting a strainer over the glass with a sugar cube in it, and pouring cold water very very slowly over the sugar cube until it's completely dissolved. Supposedly this is the 'Spanish method'. I thought it was excellent.

How exactly do you do the burned sugar trick?
20:41 / 02.10.03
For those that like hangovers that make you want to die for an evening you can't remember, the method is this:
Fill your glass o'Absinthe
use a spoon (dessert spoon is probably best) and fill it with sugar. Pour on anough Absinthe to soak the sugar. Set light to the spoony mix and let it burn until the sugar has dissolved (flame should now be out!). Drop mix into glass and swirl around.
Feel like Geroge Best the next morning.
02:23 / 03.10.03
In Canada, last time I checked, Absinthe was only sold with Southern Wormwood. It's more or less the same substance -- the only major difference being the amount of Thujone it contains.

It was just a few weeks ago that a friend of mine picked up some Absinthe proper; the stuff we buy here is called 'Absente' which is referred to as a refined Absinthe. At any rate, the stuff he bought was evil, to say the least, and I think I will keep away from it in any shape it might take.

Could I say Absinthe a few more times?
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