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Skippy Lives!!

14:01 / 22.09.03
Real Life Kangaroo Rescue!
A female kangaroo has saved an Australian farmer's life by alerting his family that he was lying unconscious in a field.
The pet kangaroo, Lulu, made noises outside the family home in the state of Victoria, until the farmer's wife paid attention.

Wow, life really does reflect art (if Skippy can be considered art...)
Ever been rescued by a kangaroo? Ever fallen down a well and wished you had a 'roo buddy? Tell us all about it, or just laugh at the stuff that happens in 'real life'.
14:10 / 22.09.03
Yay! Heard this story on the radio this morning. Lulu's apparently half-blind and "thinks she's a dog". Go Lulu!
Mourne Kransky
16:29 / 22.09.03
Clearly, then, Lassie was her role model and not Skippy.

Lassie, the Bush collie dog... that is.
Mourne Kransky
21:32 / 22.09.03
Brave Lulu's touching tale has reminded me of Skipinder the Punjabi Kangaroo on Goodness Gracious Me, the alcoholic marsupial who didn't give a shit. We shall not see his like again.

"Hey Skipinder, there are two little kids trapped down the old mine!"

"Fuck 'em. Bring me another XXXX and a packet of Marlboro!"
Saint Keggers
21:35 / 22.09.03
And if somebody HAD tied his Kangaroo down?...Just goes to show you never follow the advice in songs.
21:55 / 22.09.03
For some reason, my sleep-addled brain, as I heard this on the Today programme, interpreted the monoptic status of the kangaroo in question as the causal origin of its belief that it was a dog.

That is, that all one-eyed kangaroos believed themselves to be dogs. Which would *rule*.

Later, watching the big screen at Victoria Staton, I received the supplementary information that the kangaroo raised the alarm by barking. How in the name of bollocks does a kangaroo bark?
22:08 / 22.09.03
Like this: WUFF.

A bark has no dialect.
Saint Keggers
22:10 / 22.09.03
You say that yet in Canada dogs bark: WOOF! not WUFF! Proof positive that even the the bark has a dialect.
22:13 / 22.09.03
No, no no. Stick your ears out the window, listen to the dogs barking and then come back and tell me that dogs WOOF. Cartoon dogs WOOF. Real dogs WUFF.
22:14 / 22.09.03
Doesn't Snowy (Tintin's dog) say "Woah! Woah!"?

Or something.
Char Aina
23:28 / 22.09.03
yeah, but snowy smokes a lot of reefer.
Baz Auckland
01:27 / 23.09.03
My family's great dane goes more like "OOUF!"
12:50 / 23.09.03
Dogs go RUFF! in real life or BOW WOW! in comics (and in the 1950s). Snowy does waugh, but only in the French/Belgian Tintin where guns go PAN! instead of BANG!. Stupid language, even the onomatopoieas are wrong (sp?).
One eyed dogs apparently think they are kangaroos, it's terribly confusing. Maybe Haus is onto something, I must go and interview every one eyed kangaroo at once and determine the spelling of their bark.
12:56 / 23.09.03
If you poke a kangaroo's eye out, you can watch the mental transformation unfold before you. It's like a werewolf transformation, but purely in the mind. And if you cut off one of their ears, they think they're a mongoose.
19:58 / 23.09.03
Poking the eye out of any species reverses it`s breath direction when barking. Hence dogs with only half the neurons devoted to each eye breathe inward whilst communicating.

PROOF - breathe inward and bark. You sound more like a dog.
poke one eye out and try to communicate. You end up breathing inward while talking. (you will adapt...experiments have shown that animals with a temporal lobe adjust their perceptions to fit past reallity)

20:01 / 23.09.03
HYPOTHESIS- either the one eyed kangeroo could only communicate with dogs and absorbed dog culture.....or I`m too drunk to be posting on barbelith....current lack of typing ability suggests the latter.
20:05 / 23.09.03
This is all dangerous nonsense. Kangaroos are dogs. Everyone knows that, apart it seems from the so-called "intelligentsia" to be found on "Barbelith".

No wonder this country's in the state it's in.
20:16 / 23.09.03
How's about I do some research for you while I'm out there!
20:21 / 23.09.03
Yeah, randomise some animals into two groups and poke out the left eyes of the animals in one. Then get them to fetch sticks or children down a mine or something.
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