Cruel as this sounds, quite a lot of bullying is a product of both personalities, not just the bully. If you give out victim vibes then you get bullied more often.
The school pecking order is instinctive. Very few kids really see it for what it is; normal animal behavior. Assuming the bullying is not based on something unchangable (eg. being the only asian kid) then the best way to stop being bullied is to stop being the kind of person being bullied.
When I was a kid I always wondered why I got picked on and stuff. Eventually I realised it was a combination of the fact I expected to, that I acted like I expected to, and while I didn't enjoy it, it ddi give me the attention I craved.
Eventually I realised I was a jerk and had to change who I was, started apply a home-grown approach to meta-programming (change to your own personality in conformance with will) and ever since have been growing as a person and 15 years later my life is, frankly, amazingly good.
(I'd like to point out my experence was in the UK school system, I think that playground politics in the USA are even more social-heirarchy-oriented and less flexible and maybe my advice isn't as relevant if he's there)
Perhaps getting him to step back a level and look at the situations with him in it. Maybe the two of you could go to the zoo and watch the animals (pack animals) and get your son to work out which ones are the "bosses" which are middle and which one are the bottom of the pile. Then ask how he can tell, and both learn about the way they act to each other, physical signals, not verbal. Body language. If not the zoo, the a good documentary on the subject.
The worst advice I ever got was "they're just jealous of you, ignore them and they'll go away, turn the other cheek" - this just made them see me as arogant, aloof, weird and weak. Exactly what you look for in someone to bully. Sometimes a token effort fighting back will gain respect (even if you lose) far more than running away.
The physical severity of bully varies widely. Mostly it's just scrapes, bruises & damaged property. If it is more serious than that (requiring hospital) then all bets are off.
Long ramble there, sorry. To finish on a more magicky note; often the best way to change the way people treat you is to change yourself (macrocosm & microcosm). If you're not willing to change then accept the way the world treats you.
good luck, if you do try something with a magick bent to it please post results on the forum...
-chris. (elseware)
ps. one of the meanings of my username is a reference to metaprogramming. Although maybe selfware would be better. |