“I’ve decided I’m going to change the world, regardless what the world thinks. Oh, it won’t happen over night, and I’ll probably be dead centuries over by the time my plan works out, but it doesn’t matter. I’m going to set the seeds for the future.”
The theory and practice of Ic-dU?.
“…we’re basically a bunch of brilliant post-modernists anarchists…”
Not quite. We are a vast mix of people with a wide scope of labels to be applied, peeled off, reapplied, and so on. Kinda’ like Lurid sez.
“I dream of a future where people don’t need a leader to tell them what to do.”
Again, the theory and practice of Ic-dU?.
“Dude, how's the bank?”
We burnt all the money. We barter and trade skills and services for products and goods, products and goods for skills and services, skills and services for skills and services, or products and goods for products and goods.
We need no banks.
“(1) inherently peaceful, equal, free and collaborative - and if not can we train them to be (Communist societies have tried this and it didn't work so well) or (2) are they inherently competitive and interested in the welfare primarily of themselves, their friends and their close families?”
The only thing inherent about people is that each of us needs to sleep sometimes, eat sometimes, and excrete sometimes. After that, well, it’s pretty wide open.
“My position is an evolutionary one - that individuals care about themselves, their families/germ-lines and their friends, but that they get benefits from the interactions, supports and mechanisms of society at large.”
This is v. close to Ic-dU?’s general feelings on the matter. Except some of us (myself, for instance), do not buy into “evolutionary” models. But that’s OK.
“What I've asked for repeatedly is to have people suggest models that might get closer to that position - for us to find a process that distributes power as evenly as possible.”
Get rid of any hierarchical structure. Do not let anyone (besides Tom in the most extreme cases) edit posts.
You make a mistake you want to correct?
Then post another message admitting your mistake and then what you would like the change to be. Thus, the original is always there, plus the admittance of err, plus a re-evaluation/re-presentation of the original.
Doesn’t get much more “transparent” than that.
“I'm not generally big on cults.”
Yes, and neither is Ic-dU. Cults imply:
a) religious fervor or at least religious-like feelings.
b) typically a charismatic leader milking others.
c) a “herd” of blind and ignorant sheep-like followers.
d) willful division and the marking of a circle which separates the inside from the outside.
All of these are not in anyway what Ic-dU? would like to support or otherwise use as a model for behaviour.
“I want to open a school where we pretty much abandon the western style of teaching. We let the students learn what they want to learn when they want to learn it. And the teachers will be students too. No "us versus them" that happens in a regular school.”
Yes, excellent! And get rid of textbooks too. Let’s get back to a more oral society. The transmission of knowledge through the bardic way. Talk to Self first. Talk to immediate others second. Books are tertiary at best.
“I want as little distinction between students and teachers as possible.”
Yes, because the distinction is either artificially imposed or bought into without awareness or any basis in a real reality. Ever Hidden Master is also a Hidden Student. They know it, but don’t let it on because that is part of the satori. Easily parroted but difficult to practice.
“I'm 17”
!!?!?!?!! Fuck man, I figured you were in your mid-twenties. You, my friend, are what the youth of today are best to aspire to.
“I want to teach everyone in a completely new style of teaching.”
Here’s a little secret: you already are…
“And I agree with you that capitalism is stable.”
This is not true. Capitalism requires constant warfare not only against other cultures and societies, but against those within its grasp. It is a façade of stability over top a whirlwind of turmoil and grief.
“Well, you did put it in the Conversation.”
This is important. But for reasons larger than merely this thread, and v. likely applies to people’s views of certain members recent behaviours. If anyone can think clearly about this, then they will understand.
The parapostmodern [(!) bz.] cult [ (!) val.]of Slack with neither some Bob nor some anti-Bob to back it up.
It’s A.L.L. on U-our shoulders Here & Now. |