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Dictionary Definitions for the Damned

Nietzsch E. Coyote
16:51 / 20.09.03
There seems to be a mass sort of confusion or hallucination gripping some set of members of this board. Typically this neurosis includes hearing the word 'NAZI' whenever someone else has only said "fascist." Coupled with this is the apparent stun gun power this word has to cause people to ignore context, and jump into rigid either/or thinking at a level of abstraction which promotes Universal and Absolutist statements. For example:

"Some members of this board are engaged in fascist behaviour," to the small and/or soft-minded becomes:

“OH MY GOD! Everyone here is a Nazi & part of a network of conspiracy.”

Clearly the two sentences are not interchangeable yet some act as if they were.


fas-cism n. [< It < L fasces, rods bound about an ax, ancient Roman symbol of authority] a system of government characterized by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism and racism {or, I would say, any type of consistent discrimination}, militarism, etc.

Nazi adj. designating or of the German fascist political party that ruled Germany under Hitler

Thus, clearly there is a connection between the word 'fascist' & the word 'Nazi': Nazis are a sub-set of the set of all fascists. Thus, calling certain behaviours of certain members "fascist" does not entail that these same members are Nazis nor does it entail the implication of conspiracy. It merely means they engage in "belligerent nationalism and consistent discrimination." Some examples might include:

1) "This is Tom’s board and what he says goes," implies the willful submission to a dictatorship.
2) “That is not how Barbelith is,” implies hints of (possibly) belligerent (but certainly a type of) nationalism.
3) “You do not belong here, go away,” implies direct belligerent nationalism.
4) “If someone suggests a moderation proposal to this thread, then I will say ‘Yes’ to it, implies here specifically a form of possible conspiracy & wrt the functions and mechanics of any board, could be arguably a form of militarism—“virtual militarism.”
5) The locking &/or deleting of a thread or series of threads can be militant behaviour, but context must be taken into consideration to assess.

Well I have now used this thread to point out some linguistic assumptions that bug me feel free to use it to point out ones that bug you. Post a def. and link specifically to the post where you define it.
22:42 / 20.09.03
Gosh. Another attempt by Nietzsche, in his own rather special way, to perpetuate a fight and make Modzero like him better. What an incredible surprise.

This thread does not ask a question, and reduplicates the subject matter of a thread already in existence in the Conversation.

Note that the poor boy has to change the dictionary definition to make his point seem comprehensible, and that after point 3 he is gasping. Point 4 seems to posit a situation that has yet to my knowledge to have occured. Also, of course, I do not recall anybody reading "Nazi" for "fascist", only "troll" for "troll".

Conversation, I suggest. Think of this as consistent discrimination against pusillanimity.
Mourne Kransky
23:38 / 20.09.03
Excellent move into the froth-flecked Conversation with this. We have quite enough apologists for the unpardonable Barbetrolls wreaking havoc at the moment without starting to clog up the Headshop with it.

And comparing Tom's benign and near saintly management of the 'Lith to the ideology of the fascists of the thirties is offensive and specious.
Linus Dunce
09:48 / 21.09.03
Though from the picture in his blog of him wearing a naval officer's hat, one has to suspect he'd look rather fetching in the uniform.
Char Aina
13:12 / 21.09.03
And comparing Tom's benign and near saintly management of the 'Lith to the ideology of the fascists of the thirties is offensive and specious.

did i get the wrong end of the stick, or did NEC not just take pains to say fascist and Nazi are not the same?

(i dont think tom is a fascist, by the way)
Cat Chant
13:39 / 21.09.03
Well, it's a little confusing: NEC begins his post saying that confusing "Nazi" and "fascist" is a confusion, hallucination or neurosis, but later says that Nazis are a sub-set of the set of all fascists.

Myself, I don't think the linguistic confusion between 'Nazi' and 'fascist' amounts to much more than saying 'hoover' for 'vacuum cleaner' or 'Tannoy' for 'public address system'. I think there's more linguistic confusion involved in equating an internet message board with a nation.
13:46 / 21.09.03
NEC was attempting to claim that everybody was overreacting to Modzero's "FASCISTS!" thread, by suggesting that everybody had got fascists and Nazis confused, and that it was entirely fair and right to call us fascists; we only failed to see the justice of this due to our ignorance of twentieth century politics. Essentially, he's doing what he seems to be accusing moderators of doing elsewhere; uncritically supporting the decisions of their chums with specious justifications offered after the fact. He'll calm down when he feels that he has proved to Modzero that he is his best friend.

It is possible, on a tangent, that "The Young Ones" was never shown in Canada.
Char Aina
13:47 / 21.09.03
yeah, i would agree...


i almost posted before that i thought fascist is being used metaphorically here, but i would have thought that was fairly obvious.

we don't control nations; we do control forums and web pages.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
20:20 / 21.09.03
toksik: (i dont think tom is a fascist, by the way)

And I am going to be much more careful in the future to avoid giving people the impression that I do.


NEC was attempting to claim that everybody was overreacting to Modzero's "FASCISTS!" thread

Actually Haus I'll tell you the truth. I thought that thread was an overreaction. But in the overreaction to the overreaction I thought that part of it was a misunderstanding of what he meant.

Essentially, he's doing what he seems to be accusing moderators of doing elsewhere; uncritically supporting the decisions of their chums with specious justifications offered after the fact.

Oooh you might be right I am going to have to review my motivations for creating this thread. But if it is so easy to do that without realizing, doesn't that at least hint that it is POSSIBLE you and your friends are doing this too?

He'll calm down when he feels that he has proved to Modzero that he is his best friend.

I don't need to prove that, I just spent a week at his house. I am very secure in our friendship.

It is possible, on a tangent, that "The Young Ones" was never shown in Canada.

You might be right there Haus I have never heard of "The Young Ones".

Oh but could you please post a thread with the beautiful abstract there on the Headshop because a thread like that could really be USEFUL even if my initial post was too "biased" for you taste. You can even remove the last line of the abstract if you want.
Baz Auckland
22:08 / 21.09.03
(The Young Ones were on YTV Fridays and Saturdays at 1am for many years. Unfortunately, they have since been replaced by episodes of Keeping Up Appearances.)
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