Damn good post, Tom. If you can bear it this place probably needs more of you doing stuff like this:
The reason this place feels uncomfortable and tense is not because the moderators are occasionally clumsy and do stupid things, which is no doubt true, but because everyone - particularly the moderators - is worn to the bone by having to deal with THREE YEARS of systematic attempts to fuck us all around in the most disrepectful, self-obsessed, arrogant, rude, abrasive, destructive, irrelevant and pointless way.
requoting this as i think it needs to be read by alot of people. I (and i reckon alot of other people) have been suckered into Andrew's strategy of presenting trollish, threatening, abusive behaviour as somehow analogous to valid debates about how moderation works...And infecting these conversations with his noxious rubbish.
Debates which are useful. but have nothing to do with Andrew's project. Which is a polite word for it,really.
oh, and which incidentally creates a separation between mods and non-mods very effectively. As although the place as a whole has to deal with this stuff, mods have to spend alot more time with it, playing the 'wait till it's obvious' game with his posts, playing the 'benefit of the doubt' card again and again until it becomes obvious that they(we,as i've done this) are dealing with the same old crap again.
A: I'm with 'nesh in not understanding why you're not as utterly bored with this as the rest of us. Go find somewhere else to play. Try risking a bit more, and dealing with people face to face. You might like it... |