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The once and future board...

Tom Coates
22:17 / 19.09.03
The once and future board
Spatula Clarke
23:03 / 19.09.03
I'm going to post this here rather than there because it's not a very useful comment, but thanks Tom. You've managed to sum up a lot of my current thoughts in a way I couldn't, especially the little bit of bold text.

On which subject, a final plea to common sense (or a waste of my time and board space, depending on your outlook on life): give it up. It should be obvious to you now, if it weren't previously, that you can be spotted a mile off. I'm certain that Tom's pissed off to a level that I can't even begin to imagine with people, including me, contacting him every time you attempt to squeeze back in, but that doesn't necessarily mean I - or others here - am about to stop.
01:42 / 20.09.03
I'd agree. How much excitement, Andrew, can you squeeze from the same old same old cycle of concealment, abuse, discovery and banishment? Surely it must get stale sometime? I've no idea what sort of bizarre upbringing experiences must've brought you to the point where you're apparently hell-bent on obtaining unconditional 'warts & all' acceptance from an online message-board you've gone out of your way to alienate, but one would imagine that even your boredom threshold must be close to being breached. You're uncommonly inept at disguising your posting style and, in the end, you're always identified and your posts deleted.

You're lucky enough to be travelling around the world again. Stop looking for validation from us, and try actively engaging with those around you. Go do something less boring instead.
Goodness Gracious Meme
03:37 / 20.09.03
Damn good post, Tom. If you can bear it this place probably needs more of you doing stuff like this:

The reason this place feels uncomfortable and tense is not because the moderators are occasionally clumsy and do stupid things, which is no doubt true, but because everyone - particularly the moderators - is worn to the bone by having to deal with THREE YEARS of systematic attempts to fuck us all around in the most disrepectful, self-obsessed, arrogant, rude, abrasive, destructive, irrelevant and pointless way.

requoting this as i think it needs to be read by alot of people. I (and i reckon alot of other people) have been suckered into Andrew's strategy of presenting trollish, threatening, abusive behaviour as somehow analogous to valid debates about how moderation works...And infecting these conversations with his noxious rubbish.

Debates which are useful. but have nothing to do with Andrew's project. Which is a polite word for it,really.

oh, and which incidentally creates a separation between mods and non-mods very effectively. As although the place as a whole has to deal with this stuff, mods have to spend alot more time with it, playing the 'wait till it's obvious' game with his posts, playing the 'benefit of the doubt' card again and again until it becomes obvious that they(we,as i've done this) are dealing with the same old crap again.

A: I'm with 'nesh in not understanding why you're not as utterly bored with this as the rest of us. Go find somewhere else to play. Try risking a bit more, and dealing with people face to face. You might like it...
Tom Coates
11:08 / 20.09.03
I should add that while Andrew is the most notable and well known troll on these boards, he's by no means the only one. There is a small group of people on this board who think that aspiring to a better, more equal, less heirarchical view of the world means drearily attacking any aspiring model, rather than trying to suggest positive moves and developments.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:31 / 20.09.03
I'm not sure if that's accurate as, by that definition, I would probably be a troll as I've tended to be dubious about some of the suggestions for change, but that's because I've not always been convinced by the need, why make changes for the benefit of people who post lots of messages about farting?
Lurid Archive
11:39 / 20.09.03
I dunno Lady. I don't think you are a troll by that definition. There is a difference between dissent whose purpose is to change the functioning of the board on the one hand and attention seeking tantrums in the form of spam and abuse intended to disrupt the board until the petitoner is placated, on the other.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:30 / 20.09.03
Well said, Tom. And hugs.

Can I just point something out that seems to have escaped a few people round here recently? Newsflash, folks: Barbelith is not the entire internet. It's not the only messageboard in existance. If Barbelith is so irredeemably corrupt, if people are so unbearbly frustrated by the crushing weight of moderation,maybe you'd be better off taking your business elsewhere. There are entirely unmoderated boards out there where you can post whatever the hell you like without let or hinderance.

Or you could strike out on your own-- start your own community, with your own rules. If you don't fancy dealing with the technical side, that's okay-- there are plenty of places which will give you your very own free messageboard, if you can put up with a little advertizing. Try Googling for "free messageboard".

'Course, an unmoderated board also means that other people can post whatever the hell they like too, doesn't it? Bit scary, that. And building your own community, well, that's a lot of hard work. Both solutions have the obvious drawback of having to actually do something constructive, instead of bitching endlessly about how hard-done-by you are, how you're surrounded by Nazis, how Grant Morrison would be ashamed to see this place, et cetera and so on. Much easier to carry on chucking your toys out of the pram and watching people scurry around trying to pick them all up for you, than to seek a real solution.
13:34 / 20.09.03
Just wanted to add to the chorus of approval and support Tom. I think you and the members of the board have on the whole behaved incrdibly restrained in dealing with Trolls.

It's sad that certain people's attention whoring takes on this form, especially when there is so much to say about relevant things. Bengali is spot on when ze says about nodger's way of presenting trolling as another form of valid argument.

Also, as Ganesh said, I marvel at boredom threshold of serious trolls. I'm glad you've decided to take the bull by the horns. Some reactions to his threads and inflamatory posts in the past have only served to fan the flames and raise his hackles further.
14:31 / 20.09.03
Try Googling for "free messageboard".

I wonder if assembling a kit -- sort of five-minute "how to set up a message board" collection of links to software and to other, unmoderated boards would be worthwhile as a resource. Something to point to. You can never tell what might come of it.
18:31 / 20.09.03
My support also - I must confess that I've missed the latest rash of uglies (the outside world beckoned, rather than me getting disgusted and taking a break), but Barbelith is still a wonderful place and much credit goes to Tom and the moderators.
19:31 / 20.09.03
grant: good idea

I started a page called HowToMakeYourOwnBoard in the wiki. I'm going to put a few links and bits of advice on it.
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