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International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2003

The Strobe
06:14 / 19.09.03
Yes folks, it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day again, so y'all had better be splicing some mainbraces, you get me? Even you scurvy ninjas. I believe we had a thread last year and it was a right royal knees-up shindig full of grog and arrghing.


(It's also my 21st birthday).
06:49 / 19.09.03
Yarharharhar. Happy birthday, ye salty and rapidly aging sea dog, ye.
rizla mission
07:49 / 19.09.03
But.. International Talk Like a Pirate Day is in, like, May! May 19th I believe.

Not that I be needin' any excuse, havin' witnessed the best prop-ARR-ganda fer the cause since Treasure Island last night..

Gather round, me Buckos!
08:19 / 19.09.03
Nay, 'tis indeed September 19th. ARRRrrr!!! Happy birthday, ye auld sea dog ye.
rizla mission
08:33 / 19.09.03
Arr, the scurvy must be reachin' me brain, for I swear by the waves b'neath me that it be no more than six months at the most since we last did celebrate this day!

Ar, my head, me poor head.. I be having a lie down..
08:53 / 19.09.03
I'm amazed that you've all missed the opportunity to use the phrase 'shiver me timbers' in this thread - which I believe is the most well documented piece of pirate speak ever.
08:53 / 19.09.03
Hello m'hearties! Arrrrhhh!

Where's the rum?!

(and happy jolly birthday to ya, you salty skip jack piano-tuna!)
Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:08 / 19.09.03
harr harr me arrr! Long lasts, me maties, I've been waiting for a thread like this so I can row the boat a little if yer know what I means!

I'es First mate to the good Captain Pale face, spit on his shadow the bastard, and I smash and I bash at his beck and CALL and I love a good groggin, though it herts me noggin And when we hit Land I love whorin with ALL the whores!...

Little do they know...
That the first mate is
secretly a ninja
sent as an assasin
who just laced the GROG
with some poisonous AUM
12:44 / 19.09.03
w? r j22 sux0r5 r l4mr5 lol!

Oh, sorry, wrong sort of pirate.

I mean, ARRGHH! Shiver my booty, and all that.
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