OK, it started with 'Aliens Versus Predator' and finding that I couldn't play it any more, about the same time I found that I found the concept of the facehugger so disturbing I couldn't watch the films any more. Then I found I was having increasing difficulty with 'scary movies' and TV shows that had jump-in-your-seat moments in them. Now today, someone's bunged me a copy of Half-life and, running through the training program, I haven't even met any baddies yet but I was getting steadily more and more uneasy as it was going on. What is going on? Certainly I'm not spending my time hiding under the bed worried that the phone ringing is from my local serial-killer to make sure I'm in in case he want's to stop by, and I don't have any problem about being out on my own after dark or anything, but why is it that I'm suddenly having what could be like the early symptoms of panic attacks WRT fictional events? |