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A Fantastic Opportunity

08:23 / 17.09.03
A company called WWYS is offering a cash sum with no financial risk. All they want is your soul. From their website:

WWYS® has been formed by a consortium of international companies - including leading financial and genetic research institutions - to create a product that gives you an actual CASH VALUE for your soul.

You can receive a guaranteed CASH SUM for life, in exchange for an agreement that entitles WWYS® the rights to your soul from now until all eternity.

A customer writes: "Thankyou so very much. When I was told about this site i assumed it was some kind of bizarre internet stunt or sick joke. I completed the questionaire just to see what would happen and had forgotten about it until i received your written offer. I'm now living a lifestyle that I had only previously dreamt about - with no ill effects."

Find out the current value of your soul

My soul is worth £15319. Apparently, 60% of people have a purer soul than me. How much is yours worth?
Hattie's Kitchen
09:24 / 17.09.03
Shit, I'm only worth $8101, and 85% of people are purer than me. I will just have to pimp my scrawny arse out.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:32 / 17.09.03
"Your soul is worth £19887. For your peace of mind, 48% of people have a purer soul than you."

I'm astounded, really. I wouldn't have thought I'd get the price of a cuppa.
21:36 / 17.09.03
"Your soul is worth £16355. For your peace of mind, 57% of people have a purer soul than you."

Fuck, I'm so chuffed. I always thought I was a total wanker. Now it seems I'm just a bit of a dick.

8===>Q: alyn
21:40 / 17.09.03
I did this a couple of weeks ago. I'm not going to tell you what I got, but it was horrifyingly low. I truly am the scum of the earth.
bio k9
21:55 / 17.09.03
You needed the quiz to tell you that?
22:04 / 17.09.03
£5974. For your peace of mind, 91% of people have a purer soul than you.

This is impossible. I am lovely! How can I get this score? Alright, I've had the occasional Burger King, but... but...

Stoatie, if you're a "bit of a dick" on 57% what the hell am I?

8===>Q: alyn
23:00 / 17.09.03
Bio, you're begging for a piece of what Flyboy got, you know that?
23:28 / 17.09.03
Bah, these people want shiny souls with market value. My soul is vintage. My soul's got character. My soul's got moxie god damn it, and Olulabelle's has six percent more! My soul's a fucking collector's item, not some blue-book priced assembly line piece of mass marketable crap!

Souls like mine, souls like Hattie's and Olulabelle's, those are the souls you find in some freaky little shop in the corner of some bizarre little town, and you show it to your grandkids and you tell them, now back in my day, this was a soul. So screw you WWYS, I ain't sellin'!
8===>Q: alyn
23:53 / 17.09.03
You want moxie, Mazzy? I don't remember what they offered me because it had one of those funny, meaningless "L" thingies in front of it, but %97 of humanity was more pure than me.
The Falcon
03:24 / 18.09.03
£6479, apparently. I thought I was a pretty good guy.

Still, 6 grand'd be nice.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
04:27 / 18.09.03
Your soul is worth £21916. For your peace of mind, 44% of people have a purer soul than you.

Well I am the purest so far...
bio k9
04:32 / 18.09.03
A piece of what Flyboy got? I heard he took all yer teeth. Are there any left for me to get?
16:52 / 18.09.03
£77565. For your peace of mind, 6% of people have a purer soul than you.

haha, no wonder you people don't like me and liek to call me and my friends names. you are all not very nice people and we are angels.

we fart in your general direction.
17:30 / 18.09.03
You cant spell 'like' twice thought.

Your soul is worth £9242. For your peace of mind, 81% of people have a purer soul than you
To be honest, I'm not too happy with that diagnosis. What have I done to be so contaminated? I mean... that's only 16% between me and Qualyn- there's gotta be something wrong.
Saint Keggers
17:41 / 18.09.03
68583!!! (whats that in Canadian?) 6% have a soul purer than me!!
Does this means I get back into my hobby of smacking a lot of nuns and still go to heaven?
08:01 / 19.09.03
68583!!! (whats that in Canadian?)

= 151,242.54 Canadian Dollars

at just over 2.2 CAD to 1 GBP.
08:35 / 19.09.03
A rather dull-to-middling £17,712, with 54 percent purer than me. I thought I was coming across as a bit of a goody-two-shoes as well. I think it must be the drinking that undid me. Which is the story of my life.
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