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Blinks' Internet Porn

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02:29 / 17.09.03
Hey Quantum. They locked that other thread (geez, who do they think I am, Andrew?!), but Blinks wanted to say thanks since you had said:

"and Blinks is so cute!"

So here's a couple more pics. Sorry about the quality, these webcams kinda' take crappy pictures, and in the first one, I think Blinks was on the move...

On the Sly

Do Hamster's dream of Electric Sheep?

07:57 / 17.09.03
Crap quality pictures, cute hamster! I bet he bites.
—| x |—
08:27 / 17.09.03
Nope. Hasn't bit me or his Mom. Or anyone else. Ever. When he's sleeping I can reach into his nest (slowly) and give him a little rub--usually he doesn't even jump or twitch!

Slinks (the other one) has bit me once, but it was hardly even a nip. Seemed more like a little taste. When I picked him out of the bunch he also nipped in the same way at my t-shirt. I've a couple places with little hamster tooth holes in my Sloth Records shirt now. It was so adorable!They were both so little back then...

I think sometimes they wish they had a name like yours: quantum or quark or something; but then again, "blinks" and "slinks" could be the next names for the not yet discovered spin along a fourth axis--spin blinks and spin slinks. It'd work perfect!
18:44 / 18.09.03
It's nice that mod has animals that sleep.
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