“And does your fiancée know how lame you're being?”
See, it’s great of you to ask this because she went out of country last weekend to visit her sister, her bro-in-law, and their two gorgeous whos. If she had been here the other night, well, she would have talked me out of my freak-out, but since it was Chapel Perilous Survived, I am glad she wasn’t. I told her all about it and she gave me one of those sighs, ya’ know. But then I also told her all about THE NEW DAYS AHEAD, and while she is fearful for my membership here (she asked me to consider v. seriously what I want), she said, “Hey, that sounds good. Be careful.”
Of course—without even knowing her—some will now think v. poorly of one of the kindest, greatest, and most beautiful (in & out) people I have ever met (we’ve been together for going on 6 yrs. now) simply because (aside from them being complete idiots) she’s wit e.
Keep up or keep out.
“I'm just sick of reading this Counter-Revolutionary Barbelith Front nonsense. We've been down this road before, and a very old and pointless road it is.”
This, my friends and other fuckers, is A NEW ROAD.
Walk it or walk away.
“Hate your enemies. Save your friends. Speak the truth.”
Coming Soon. |