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Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:11 / 16.09.03
Hail Eris!

Welcome to Mafia XXIII, I'll be your host. I am Nietzsch E. Coyote.

Here is the game so far...

It is a game of Mafia with multiple sets of Mafia each out to win.

One Mafia is constructed entirely out of Moderators.
The Moderators are the only suspects.
One Moderator is no longer a suspect.
because he was already hit.
Or he was lynched.

One Mafia is constructed entirely out of the reincarnated fiction suits of "G.O.D.O.G."
Members of this Mafia:
Can be either a moderator or a regular member.
We already know who the member is.

I am opening the game up for new players:

Everyone who is not a moderator can only play if they form their own Mafia. You are the conspiracy.
The first part of the game is gathering friends and allies into your Mafia. The second part of the game is figuring out who is in which "clique". If you think you know already, don't be too sure. It always gets interesting when the obvious choices get revealed as innocent.

Post here how many are in your clique and what is the name of it. Don’t tell us who else is in it!
I will list up group names and the number in each group.

The next little while is for the discussion of the rules of the game. A question to start of the discussion… Should people be allowed to be in multiple conspiracies?

I am looking to start new “cliques” as two just aren't enough.

All Hail Discordia!
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:15 / 16.09.03
Your mafia contains only one person, yet we have already inflitrated it. We have subverted your nasal cavities. They send us information in all your most secret councils. They are prepared to strike you down for a small consideration. Your mafia is finished.

All Hail The Anonymous Mafia of (disconnected) Bodyparts!

Today, the nose. Tomorrow, the World!
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:16 / 16.09.03
It strikes me that you're attempting to perpetuate a shitstorm that looked like it might be settling down. I'm going to move for this thread to be locked.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:35 / 16.09.03
Or you could have just let me rot the fucker. Ah, well.
Tryphena Absent
10:46 / 16.09.03
Gosh yes Flyboy, you're very heavy handed with the moderator actions atm. Let's not make a mountain out of a rather humorous molehill.
Lurid Archive
10:56 / 16.09.03
I disagree, Flyboy. I think that Sam et al should be free to rot this thread away.
11:00 / 16.09.03
Sean Connery has fallen on hard times. All work has dried up and he's sat at home twiddling his thumbs. Suddenly the phone rings and Sean answers it. It's his agent and Sean gets very excited. The agent says, "Sean, I've got a job for you. Starts tomorrow, But you've got to get there early, for 10ish." Sean frowns and replies, "10ish? But I haven't even got a racket."
Tryphena Absent
11:05 / 16.09.03
I'm power hungry- I definitely want Lurid, Sam Vega and Flyboy in my clique, they're awash with the barbelith force. And anyone who was an admin- need them, BiP, she has a nice coat and KKC, ooh and Paleface. Stoatie, Mononoke, bear. Yeah and Quantum and Qalyn and anyone else with a Q in their name. Hmmm... Ariadne, Illmatic, Denfoald, everyone else called Anna, Jack the Bodiless and Set... this is boring me now. I want the whole damn board in my clique!!!!!!
11:07 / 16.09.03
bear - that's appalling!
11:16 / 16.09.03
Man your in so much trouble when I get my clique together, which would be of course only users who know who "the kliq" really where. Members would include Solataire Rose, Gypsy Lantern and myself and managed by none other than Haus.

All we need now is a theme song (nu-metal) and a cool entrance.

So Anna you can stick your clique and watch your backs, brothers.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:20 / 16.09.03
Bear is part of a secret clique of witty golf-playing anti-globalisation corporate barons. They are bored by the simplicity with which they control the world, tired by the limp submissiveness of its governments, and now they seek a real challenge. They have tried table tennis, but find it ultimately too familiar. They have tried cars, drugs, and High Altitude, Low Opening parachute jumping. They are hard as nails. They fear only ridicule. Thus, they are now preparing for a dual assault on their own stress levels: stand-up comedy eighteen hole golf. Not only must they play perfect strokes, they must amuse a crowd of drunken clubgoers. For expert wits like Bear, a further restriction applies - on the basis that it's the way you tell them, they are only allowed to use bad jokes.

Bear, I salute you. My caddy is your caddy, my clubs are yours to borrow.

You can't join my secret world-ruling clique, however, because you already have your own.

Anna: I think your idea is excellent. We will have an exclusive clique and include everyone while being very rigorous about entrance. I'm not sure whether I'm even going to allow myself in, though I'm sure I will eventually, but really, I'm not the sort of person we want. Still, it would be a shame to have to refuse me, so... well, all right then.
Tryphena Absent
12:01 / 16.09.03
Woo moost mook oop a sec-ret loonguage thaot nooone oonderstoonds.
12:12 / 16.09.03
Now you just sound like that guy from Allo Allo.
12:13 / 16.09.03

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer
in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is
taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae
we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. That'll fcuk the splelchekcer
12:14 / 16.09.03
Quantum - that's pretty frikin cool.
12:16 / 16.09.03
Wow, taht's ieteinsnrtg. Wrkos, too. Tohugh tehre ltteer wrdos are tirkcy.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:24 / 16.09.03
That is cool. Here's another thing: I went to the Whitechapel Art Gallery a while back, and there was a series of signs everywhere, all written in bright colours. The catch was that the words of the message were mingled with other, irrelevant words at random. The words were written in several colours, but there was no sequence or scheme to help you tell if the word was part of the actual text or not.

And yet... if you tried to read the sentences word by word, you were screwed. If you sat back a bit and assumed you'd be able to do it, you could ignore the irrelevant words almost without trying. It was weird and very cool.

I assume it works on a similar basis - but does anyone know?
12:30 / 16.09.03
It's a dffirnet emaxple of the same pnhemonenonon writ lrage, isnetad of cnosdirednig the wrod as a wlohe you are itrnepeting the pagaraph as a wlohe. Raednig is a coplimated bsuiness.
12:40 / 16.09.03
Tihs is how I wirte msot of the tmie aynawy, but I uualsly go bcak and fix it. Jfyoul rlaeese!
12:43 / 16.09.03
It's harder to write like that than to read it, actually. I wonder if this is the same thing that makes it easy to read bad handwriting if you zone out and kind of zen-read. If you try to work out the squiggles you're lost, but if you just drift over it works. I suppose it might well be the same principle.
13:14 / 16.09.03
It's a form of chunking, it's the same psychological mechanism that lets you delete repeated words without noticing them, like the paris in the the spring triangle. When you read there's a load of automatic stuff going on you're not aware of any more because you're a fluent reader, your brain does it without bothering you.
Goodness Gracious Meme
17:23 / 16.09.03
Nick! get over here and fight me like a man!!!

WHY Nick, you may ask.

he has stolen the Clique Wand, with which I exclude and include people in the shadowy entity that is the Hugeevergrowingexaltedarchonsforce.

He thinks he's better fitted to this task than me...


Get your best threads on and prepare to weep like a milkmaid....
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:43 / 16.09.03
My Godmother was the Unigate Dairies Milkmaid, you know. A dusky brunette when she arrived in London town as a wee stripling, she dyed her hair blonde and enthralled a generation of calcium-deficient young men. The costume was pretty much exactly what you'd expect - sort of Baywatch-with-cows. There's a waiter in the restaurant around the corner who still gets a misty look in his nigh-septuagenarian eye when he sees her. Randy old goat.

Anyway, you were saying... Oh, the wand. Um, I had it, but then I think it went down the side of the sofa. Honest. I can lend you a mutant piranah dispenser with built-in toothbrush holder (for the fish, not for you). Will that do?
Tryphena Absent
17:48 / 16.09.03
Does anyone else think people with wands are FREAKS because I do.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
18:11 / 16.09.03
Me, too. Real cliques have mutant fish.
Saint Keggers
18:17 / 16.09.03
Join a clique..just for the hallibut!
Whisky Priestess
18:17 / 16.09.03
And Genuine Proper Secret Real Cliques have nymphomaniac velour turtles.

Ask me how.
Saint Keggers
18:26 / 16.09.03
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:34 / 16.09.03
I jjsut flel fof my cahir. Tihs rthaed RCOKS!
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:34 / 16.09.03
I jsut flel fof my cahir. Tihs rthaed RCOKS!
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:37 / 16.09.03
Yeah, that was for the double 'j' is 'jjsut'.

It is harder to write than to read.

Oh, and praise Bob, you snivelling lower order Erisian peons.

Tryphena Absent
18:40 / 16.09.03
The easy read usually works best if yuo keep the frsit and lsat ltetrs of the wrdos in pcale.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:43 / 16.09.03
This is a good point, well made, but I thought I had done this.

Except for 'off', which, I'm sure you'll agree, is a tricky one.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
19:10 / 16.09.03
DAMN! I love all of you!

My Clique is everyone who has responded to this thread. Even Flyboy!

You'll never get out of my clique now flyboy. Your my new best friend.
—| x |—
21:40 / 16.09.03
You think you might know or not to go where to who with there wherewithal of fall and flight the right extreme is the nightmare machine but the dream is dead in my head and many of you do not equal the one no Neo or Rio rocks in your bed of nails cry there or die there I don’t care. There are five and two, five and two, five and two too to tu-tu tatty on a batty ball is rolling: don’t bother to watch out (your inattention is my ally) ‘cause you’re already hit.

coming soon.

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