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Export Control Bill - censorship or sensible?

We're The Great Old Ones Now
06:12 / 18.02.02
The bill is in the House of Lords at the moment, and gives the government the right to view academic articles pre peer review and publication, and controls who may be taught what - foreign nationals would require a license to study certain things (nuclear physics, virology).

On the one hand, unacceptable control of academic research; on the other, attempt to control ABC proliferation.

See today's (Monday's) Independent, front page, for me.
Baz Auckland
13:39 / 18.02.02
Sounds very dumb to me, since if any nation wants biowarfare and all the rest, the US will sell it to them. To discriminate against students based on nationality is not acceptable...especially since the government will hardly limit it to the 4 or 5 countries they don't trust..

quote:Originally posted by Nick:
On the one hand, unacceptable control of academic research; on the other, attempt to control ABC proliferation.

What's ABC?
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:57 / 18.02.02
Atomic Bacterial Chemical. I think outside of 2000ad it's more commonly refferred to as NBC (Nuclear replacing Atomic).

Stopping selling weapons, would be a good idea. In Britain weapons sales are one of our biggest export businesses and if the unpleasant little regime that they are being sold to defaults on the payments the British tax payer makes up the shortfall.

We're not going to stop doing this but we are going to try and limit education. Fantastic.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:37 / 18.02.02
Given that NBC is a quasi-official term, I use the other one. Helps make me think about what they actually are, rather than just a classification for arms dealers and procurement agents.
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