But of course, Ga- -- *woohie* -- bear. I meant bear. How do you manage it, I guess you've broken the record a long, long time ago. It's the way you lighten up, when you look at me. Maybe I'm not all that clever but I've read a book though I can't recall the title.
An exploration of this deja vu theme, and here I am aware that you did start a more general one quite some months ago, Ga- -- *whoopsie* -- bear. I meant bear. Anyway I set this exploration up as it exists, to minimize notions that were caught from the threadstarter (and -killer; a + o, if one tightens the nook on the o, it then becomes an a, nifty, nifty). I wanted some exceptionally independent accounts, if there were any.
However, the lack of sufficient replies, which I'm fine with btw, loosens me severely up to post whatever I want and however I want it, thank you darlings, makes me go the creative route: Make up some answers.
And alors:
No more than usual, but then frequent is a lifelong event for me. I've learned to handle then as God telling me I'm right where I'm supposed to be in my life and in knowing He's in control...sometimes they get mighty eerie though!!!!
I haven't had the increase you are talking about, but I've felt an increased empathetic absorbtion of the world aura, really hard to describe, it's like the world is in despair...and just waiting for the lid to blow off. Almost like that eerie feeling one get's right before the forces of nature explode, like the Mother is ready to show some "indigestion" due to our actions. Part of watching prohecies unfold!
Always gives me a little start when I do experience my deja vu's, then I know I'm okay, and right where I'm supposed to be. Like my other Gifts, I've had them so long, that I've grown up going with the flow...and learned the hard way where the danger was in them, and now allow my Creator to guide what I see, feel, and "just know".
Looking forward to your explanation to follow 
Like Maya, I've had "deja vu" experiences all my life. Even as a 10 year old I remember having arguments with my parents that I had been there before.
Recently I've had the sense that I dreamed the situation many years ago. Often I remember dreams from my youth that are exact visions of what I'm experienceing at the moment. I don't see this as self fullfilling prophecy becasue it usually has to do with the snapshot of how a street looks at a particular moment or the sense that the Garden Club meetings shouldn't be at the library only to learn months later that it's generally always been held at the Fire Hall, I just joined this club so couldn't have known about where it was held.
What's most surprising to me is when I look at pictures of my little girls I can see myself looking at her exact face. She's adopted so I wouldn't have had an idea from my own pictures. She's mulatto so I wouldn't have been likely to see some one who looks like her as her biological parents are from 1500 miles away. I can see what she'll look like as an adolescent and as an adult-does that count as deja vu?
One of the things that was always hidden from me was the face of my true love and now husband. It's odd because I had several chances to get married from as young as 16 and I always held out for the "perfect man for me". I had to wait 37 years and had honestly given up on getting a life partner when we did finally meet. He had never married either. I can happily report that it was the right move for both of us and we're doing so incredibly well we're vindicated in deciding to wait.
The Void - Where Luthor, Jennings and Springsteen Coexist Awkwardly:
Not recently, had a few experiences this year though. The places appear in dreams I had throughout my life. It's usually dim when I try to remember the dream.
I've had a couple in recent months, but it doesn't even surprise me anymore.
All very interesting, but maybe there are a few others who have anything to say before I explain.
Hitler Was Right |