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24's Unseen Villains

H3ct0r L1m4
18:11 / 13.09.03
I couldn't find a topic on 24's second season finale here, and I believe most people in Britain have already seen it, so here we go:

what about the real villains who put the bomb-foreign invasion masterplan together? I'm too dumb or haven't payed attention, because President Palmer's aid Mike was the only person let go after the whole impeachment thing was solved. but he was plotting with other white-collar crooks [like the Vice President, if I'm not mistaken] on a private line earlier in the day. or were they only plotting the impeachment itself?

and we only get to see small fish Kingsley getting it at the great shooting scene at the end. of course there are other people involved, otherwise the final - and ridiculous - 'Palm' scene would have not taken place. and I say 'ridiculous' because it seems it will barely be adressed in the begining of the 3rd season.

the first season also had the same problem: who was Yelena talking to in the phone soon before she was caught? that great plot of both Palmer and super immortal agent Jack Bauer being responsible for several deaths during East Europe black ops was not followed at all in the second season - apart from Yelena's brief appearance.

could this two plots be tied? or are the show writers and producers just leaving things unsolved behind them?
20:32 / 13.09.03
3rd series should sort out some of those plot holes (or gaps).

There's some unseen footage from the UK DVD box set that shows Nina talking to the 'palm' girl after she's got the Pres. But they didn't use it in the end as having those two tied together was a bit tricky.

They've also not used the shadowy organisation that Nina was from, they were seperate from the Eastern European family that was hunting Bauer.

There's also lots they left behind from the first series as they wrote it on an eisode by episode basis and weren't sure if the series was actually going to run the full 24 hours. They had a resolution ready for the 12th hour but had to make some padding when the network commissioned the rest.
Keith, like a scientist
20:33 / 13.09.03
I'm pretty sure that the people Yelena was talking to at the end of Season 1 and the Max (was that his name?) guy on the boat are at least related. There must be some master villain out there who is trying to use different factions in the world to disrupt the US. I like this idea a lot. A really subtle unseen force that may be brought to light in a future season, possibly this one. I also think it's very interesting for there to be someone out there who instead of launching attacks on the US is goading and using other people to do it (possibly eliminating competitors and enemies in the process).

My vote is Bavarian Illuminati or something. hahaha. I mean, cmon, Yelena was talking to Munich and Max seemed to be German/Austrian.

Oh, and the Palm scene? Yeah, it appears that it's not touched on in the first couple of episodes of Season 3, but I bet it strikes him down at some critical juncture.
10:42 / 14.09.03
My vote is Bavarian Illuminati or something

Rather politically dodgy, don't ya think, pandering to the New World Order conspiracy theorists?
Keith, like a scientist
14:05 / 14.09.03
er, well, isn't the whole show pandering to conspiracy theorists of some sort?

hmm....on second thought...Neo-Nazi's?
H3ct0r L1m4
04:28 / 17.09.03
that missing scene sheds some light on the plots, rawks.

and Neonazis are just lame, unless they use the hinted tie to something similar to 'real americans' in some Skull and Bones fashion.
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