We were separated at birth, me and you—twins I tells ya’, twins!
“I was not aware that you were using your 'other' suit anywhere.”
I didn’t realize I was required to report my movements and activities to you, herr Haus. What has your awareness or lack thereof of my use or nonuse of my “other” to do with this?
“1) The main element of a moderator's work is janitorial.”
Yes, I believe I have related as much in my initial post—we agree! Further, I feel the list of tasks you have provided illustrates an adequate account of moderator duties—again, we agree.
“One of those principles, to the best of my knowledge (I have sought clarification) is currently that if a fictionsuit cannot be tied to a unique user, or a user cannot be identified as the user of only one fictionsuit, then fictionsuit and user are not using Barbelith in the way that they should be.”
This is a policy (or “principle”) that I am not “on board” with. This doesn’t mean that I vehemently oppose its enforcement here in Litherland (which is, apparently like any supposed “policies,” either a collective choice, the choice of a small elite, or the choice of a single man—depending on what and whom we ask—OSISTM), but only that I will have little (preferably nothing) to do with enforcing such a policy. I also believe I can neglect participating in the enforcement of this policy, and yet, still perform any other moderator duties without any conflict. Indeed, it seems hard to be both “behind the scenes” as a moderator, and yet be expected to actively seek to expose members for some perceived misbehaviour. There seems to me to be a stark difference between the “janitorial” duties we agree upon, and the witchhunt behaviour your view seems to require. Moreover, I feel that it is my prerogative to not necessarily agree with everything and anything within any given structure/system. In fact, it seems to me that for any system to maintain health it must be willing to undergo stress, duress, and revolution from within. Or maybe GM’s initial spark really has been stamped out here in Litherland? Also, since it seems a tremendous task to identify and verify that each of our community’s users has only one fiction suit, what you’ve related is not so much the issue here, but more for your recent Policy thread, hmm?
“I remain amused and informed by the fact that, when Tom started a thread for experienced mods to give advice to new moderators, you decided on the strength of perhaps two days of experience of moderating to tell everyone how to do it. This theme appears to be continuing.”
I think you can remain (as in “set in stone”?) anyway you desire, Mr. Haus—that is certainly your business. I suppose what I am suggesting is that it might be healthy for both yourself and others if you attempt to adopt a flexible and adaptable attitude towards, in specific myself, but more importantly towards how you present yourself on the board in general (wrt specific undesirable traits of yours). Of course, you’ve said as much to me, which again suggests to me that we are too much alike to really get anywhere without someone to mediate.
Anyone up to that likely difficult and trying task? Until we have a willing and suitable volunteer, allow me to continue…
It also tells me that, like you’ve also said to me, it would be nice if you were a little more self-aware of your irksome tics and quirks. But perhaps you are not even able to admit that you might have some idiosyncratic set of these?
“[M]oderators are asked to 'stick to' the established principles for good behaviour that other users of Barbelith are asked to 'stick to', but should perhaps try to be a little more assiduous.”
Oh I agree—moderators do well to set decent examples of acceptable behaviour. We might not always be able to live up to such responsibility, but hey, no one is perfect, right? It seems to me that, while it is currently frowned upon to have more than one suit registered, it hasn’t always been this way—and there is no reason to assume it shall remain this way either. On this note, to restate what I’ve said elsewhere when the issue of my second suit came up, I have had these two—and only two—suits long before the time of the recommended “one suit only, please” behaviour; moreover, I have at any time required been forth coming about my second suit’s current name and function. It appears to me that I can easily argue that I am setting a “good example” on the proper use of secondary suits…
Some will side with you, some with me, and some will tell us (or not tell us, but desire it anyway) both to shut the fuck up. Others will watch the drama with amusement—popcorn in hand, munch-munch, and yet others won’t give a toss. And this is a mere smear of generalization—see how diverse an idealized Litherland is? Now how much more diverse is the reality of this community? Are we a dictatorship or a melting pot? No, we seem more a multi-cultural expression, sometimes of what is the cutting-edge of awareness & experiencing: how do we attempt to limit that?—and why would we want to?
“3)…I did not do this. You inferred it.”
It would be helpful if you were a little more clear in saying what you mean. I am again placed in a position where I have to make another assumption about your intended meaning. Here I will assume that you are saying something to the effect of “I Mr. Haus did not delude myself into thinking that Dr. ~ (c^2) > 0 was the same user as s/he (or them?) of Timewave >0<. Further, you, Mr. mod have made this mistaken assumption.”
Well, first, I asked you in the thread if you were indeed thinking of someone in particular, yet, there was no response from you. Moreover, as I’ve already stated, it seemed quite apparent that you were, by your vague ‘you’, picking out me. Since Timewave >0< is not a moderator, I wonder who you meant to mean by that ‘you’ then: E. Randy Dupree? Or maybe you were talking to Ganesh? Seems unlikely—highly unlikely—but stranger things are certainly happening even as we dialogue.
“Oddly enough, TZ hirself or itself's connection with you was also uppermost in hir mind when ze PMed me to assure me that ze absolutely, definitely wasn't Modzero.”
That’s because I sent TZ a message saying, “Look what you’ve done to poor Haus—you’ve confused his head!” The user(s?) of the TZ suit PMed me back with, what I assume, was a copy of the PM s/he (they?) had sent you. I did not request any action regarding this issue form this suit, I merely PMed hir (them?) to say—hey sucka’ don’t be steppin’ on my toes. It was s/he (they?) who PMed you of hir (their?) own will.
“The post in the Rage thread was one step of that, as a means of drawing out, the use of ‘frogive’ for ‘forgive’ in response to TZ's PM another.”
Where’s Watson? 
4)…I have not encountered many moderation proposals from you, possibly as a result of going to bed earlier, since your flurry of typographical corrections to the posts of people you were arguing with, so cannot comment on your performance as moderator...”
And yet you have somehow managed to underhandedly comment on my performance as a moderator in this very sentence! Haus, you are some piece of work, and a cheap-trick rhetorician ta’ boot! What is absolutely stunning about your ridiculous spin on this was that when Tom had suggested in the thread you mention regarding old mods helping new mods that correcting typos was cool, I was supportive of this duty—but wait, here’s the kicker. I voted to moderate exactly one person’s posts for typos—Lurid Archive’s (and here is the where you actually relate the truth of the matter because it is true that Lurid and I were having an argument at the time), and he was the one who OKed the action and followed it up with a PM to me suggesting that I not correct typos in the future. So get this, I stopped doing it, but in the meantime I did try to make a case for why it was an appropriate moderator duty, but the majority of mods and admin felt otherwise—so you know what I did? Well shit for shinola, I never moved to moderate a post for spelling errors again. Go figure.
“ I…wish you were a little more self-aware in particular with regard to your arguably trollsome past”
It is funny here, to me anyway, that I have mostly been quite up front about, what you have called, my “troll-some past.” What is brilliant here is that there only seems to be a few people who feel that I have this alleged past (as the comic tragedy “Ierne’s Blind Date” thread will attest)—as you describe it—and the majority of people who really do feel this way happen to be pals with Ierne. I t also turns out that this small number of people happen to be the ones I end up being rude to on occasion. See a pattern here?—or do you refuse to see what so plain in front of me (and, for that matter, in the text!?!)? As I have said before, befour, befor: “I am a troll, I am not a troll, I am neither a troll nor not a troll, and I am both a troll and not a troll.” But my having to repeat this merely shows me how little you actually pay attention to the views and theories I contribute to this community, which appears to allow me to infer that your wish for my self-awareness is based on a v. edited view of who I am. But of course, you won’t see this. Hard to look in the mirror sometimes, eh? It is painful to live in fear of your own self, you know…
“Your sense of entitlement to behave as you will…is unsurprising but still depressing.”
Again, I have to say that it is clear you’ve no sense of where I am coming from, which simply means you pay a strict selective attention to the data you are exposed to. Seeing as I am a regular contributor to the Magick forum, and seeing as anyone who has ever read that forum for any short duration of time would know, “do what thou will” is something that many so-called “magicians” take seriously—in some formulation or other, and I am no exception to this. As well, some would be inclined to say that I am a bit of an Anarchist—at least in certain directions. Thus, my willingness to behave as I see fit is deeply ingrained in my being. Who are you to try to stop me from being who I am? Is your taste in what is reasonable behaviour supposed to trump my living, breathing Tao?
“5) I imagine that you are…a lot dumber than you think you are…”
Perhaps on some days, while on others I am probably much more brilliant than I give myself credit for. It’s not really specific to this situation, nor is it specific to fellow Litherlanders, but seems to me more a general pattern of behaviour and feeling which arises in typical human experience. Ebb and flow, friend: watch—but more importantly listen to—the tides.
“All the leaves are brown (the leaves are brown)
and the sky is grey (and the sky is grey).
Just out for a walk—on a winter’s day (on a winter’s day).” |