From Harold & Maude, my favourite film...
Tell me Harold, how many of these, um, suicides have you performed?
An accurate number would be difficult to gauge.
Well just give me a rough estimate.
A rough estimate?
I'd say,15
That's a rough estimate.
Were they all done for your mothers benefit?
NO! No. I would not say... benefit.
I have come to a time in my life that I had never actually thought about or imagined existed in my future. I have parted ways with my parents. They have managed to piss me off so badly that I am daily resisting the urge to phone them up and tell them to get fucked. The last email I got from my mother said "until such time as you can get yourself under control emotionally,please spare us the diatribe and posturing,its very tiring Mum
and Dad". That was the whole email. She's a bit crap with punctuation.
I've actually done nothing wrong. Not a thing. I spent the last 6 months in England persuing a relationship with a girl my parents have never met. She's lovely but I didn't like living in England, couldn't get work, missed my friends and family and so I came home. The girl understands. My parents were enthusiastically glad to have me back. I went up for a Sunday lunch with them two weeks after arriving back in Australia and everything was fine. I came home, about 20 minutes drive away from their house, had dinner, relaxed, watched TV, went online and checked my email. I got one from my Mother, she's the communicator between the pair of them. It said, among other things, that the girl I had spent the last 6 years having a long distance relationship with was a "sick and very cruel... manipulative... brain washing... desperate woman who will try anything to keep you in her control... a leach that just keeps sucking the life blood out of you".
Why? I can't work it out! The girl being referred to is incredibly lovely. I feel horrible about choosing another life over one with her but I have my reasons, reasons my parents have every reason to rejoice in as it meant my coming home. My parents have never met her. I sent a reply saying that "I thank you for caring about me and I know you're only doing the protective mother thing but you are wrong. How dare you insult my intelligence so". There were more emails, phone calls, things in the post, until eventually I reached my current position. They can go and get well and truly fucked! I'm, a grown man, I'm 42 for Chrissakes. I don't need this shit. When I left Australia in January they seemed like perfectly sane human beings that I was happy to list among my friends, regardless of our being related. Now they seem like lunatics who have gone senile and lost possession of their faculties.
Yes there are obviously two sides to every story and yes you're only going to hear mine here. That's as it has to be. I'm a rational human being with, I think, intelligent opinions and I am, I also think, quite perceptive and sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. My British girlfriend did not deserve to be attacked, especially by people who have never met her. I felt that, as an adult, it was up to me to stand up for her. As a result my parents and I are no longer talking for the first time in our lives. I'm pretty sure it's not fixable, short of my Mother apologising and that's something she has NEVER done, not to anybody, even her own parents and only sister. This defines her. And when your mother tells you that "you've only been nice to us all these years so you'd get the inheritance" you know it's time to say goodbye.
Is it just me? Does this happen to everyone eventually or, at least, to a lot of people? Do parents and children get over this stuff or not? It feels too adult, even at my age, to be making decisions that stand me apart from the only family I have (apart from my sister who distanced herself from the family 20 years ago to persue a life as a drug addict). I'm not looking to be told I was right, or wrong. I did the only things I could do, being me, under the circumstances. I just don't want to feel like the only person stuff like this has happened to. |