Haus is the only contender to the throne -- YEAH !!!
I asked him to please consider some facts and apologized to him for any ill I might have inflected upon him -- instead I got an increasingly disturbing fixation on the wrong side of the tracks. Sorry Haus, but it was so good I had to share ...
Subject: Re:
From: A Haus Anna garden and a white picket fence
Date: 11.09.03
Time: 00:19
I am quite happy to accept that you don't believe in lizards. For the purposes of making jokes at your expense, it hardly matters. The truth didn't stop your hilarious shared-suit coterie from accusing people of abusing children,after all, now, did it? As I have attempted to explain through language barrier and comedy self-importance barrier before, and as evidence seems to bear out, nobody really cares about your or your erstwhile suit-sharers' presence on Barbelith for anything other than comedy value. Likewise, if you babble about Hitler in order to get attention, you should probably realise that most of the attention you get will be mixed in with anger, contempt and, ultimately, indifference.
This is indifference. It is possible that you will contribute something worthwhile to Barbelith at some point, but if you just want attention then I'm afraid this is the sort of attention you are likely to get - mockery when anyone has the energy.
Subject: Re: Re: Re:
From: A Haus Anna garden and a white picket fence
Date: 12.09.03
Time: 00:55
Haus, I can't determine if you seriously believe the contents of your PM, and I'm therefore hesitant to go at it point by point. I know that you're only a man, and I know that you sometimes hold flawed opinions -- but for someone as evidently smart as you, I think it, mostly, is below you.
> I am writing this in sincerity and you shouldn't read this as a provocation.
Dude. Here's the thing. At some point, whether through boredom or medication, you fall in with a group of nonce-sniffing shit-flingers. You and your encopretic brethren manage to piss off just about everybdy in the pursuit of attention, accusing anyone who disagreed with you of, among other things, urophilia, paedophilia and various other philiai.
Now, subsequently it turns out that the peer group you believed were going to anoint you as a leader of the secret battle for the world are not quite as likely to offer succour, psychic power and sexual favours as you had previosuly imagined. Unfortunately, you are still too self-important to admit that you have made an arse of yourself for nothing more than the friendship of people you seem to have less in common with than you imagined. So, you claim that it was all a big joke. You embarked on your persecution of Ganesh to get people to go to waisays, apparently without noticing that the way you did it made everybody conclude that you were an unstable young thing espousing badly-formed and badly-articulated beliefs. Likewise, you now claim that the anti-semitism, the abuse and whatever else you wish to disown was all a clever, clever joke to get attention.
Well, fine. But you probably ought to understand that they are loathsome whether done sincerely or in an attempt to be humorous. So, short of pleading misguidedness or instability, you are probably going to be the butt of jokes and little else. that is unfortunate, but your decision. If I were you, I would probably try to make a clean break and behave like a rational human being, rather than seeking *more* bad attention, but I am very clearly not you, and decline therefore to judge or advise.
Yours aye,
Tannhauser. |