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'gotta get back...'

08:29 / 09.09.03
in time to see the new series of Samurai Jack, 6pm Toonami. the cunts THE CUNTS had fucked it last night so the channel was off air [for me at least] last night so I missed the first episode. fingers crossed for repeats eventually, but hope they keep the new eps. coming thick and fast. if there's not one tonight i'm going to shit.

Anyway, i think it was the origin of Aku last night, which sounds like a brilliant one to miss. has anyone seen it, SJ season three episode 1? what happened?
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
11:22 / 09.09.03
Foooolish samurai warrior! I'm glad to say that not only did you not miss the origin of Aku, which is episodes 40 and 41, but the episode shown last night was IMO amongst the least interesting SJ episodes that I've seen.

As far as I know, Toonami stopped showing SJ at episode 34, therefore I assume that episode 35 was shown last night, but there was no episode number given at the end and the credits were for a different episode.

If the schedule for the new episodes is the same as the previous schedule, the new episodes will be shown repeatedly, hopefully in sequence and following on from the last series.
12:43 / 09.09.03
'Foolish samurai warrior'? don't you mean

'FOOOOOOOOLISH samrai warrior'?

so it wasn't that hot? good, that's some solace. i want tonight's to be the best one ever please, the Scotsman part three or some shit. i love it me.
12:46 / 09.09.03
o you put lots of o 's in already - ihadn't noticed. sorry. [wasn't that polite? i'm currently relearning all my morals from jack. i'm already a far better person than most i know, and i've only been doing it since breakfast.]
07:43 / 10.09.03
oo y'can all stop worrying yourselves mad, i saw last night's and it was top stuff all the way, thanks for asking. strands are starting to be drawn in a bit - jack now has a living link to his past and a potential army to call upon, fitting the image from the blue guy's time-mirror of jack being a conquering leader of men herobeard before he finally gets back, back to the past sam-oo-rye-jack
07:40 / 11.09.03
woo - origin of aku part 1 last night, looks like it might have been jack's dad's fault in part [how was he to know?]. there was a scene where an entire army on horseback get wiped out without showing a drop of blood which was very, very scary. the episode started with horus, ares [i think] and shiva [ditto; which hindu chap is good with a bow and arrows?] flying around space near thew dawn of time, battling the ur-Aku. fucking blinding.

'ares' is a funny word when you see it written down.

i wish all threads were like this.
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