In the consideration of the call and response fashion of modern cheerleading, it struck me suddenly that Barbelith is badly short of cheer. It lacks, for want of a better term, spirit.
I've got spirit, yes I do.
I've got spirit, how 'bout you?
So, we must do something about his pronto. I have taken as my model the standard couplet, in the manner of:
I'm perky! I'm cute!
I'm popular to boot!
That is, something like a dactyl, an iamb, another dactyl and an anapest. One can either contribute a complete couplet, or leave one line dangling for completion by one's successor.
Thus, one could write:
I'm sexy! I'm lissom,
I'm anti-capitalism!
For protest! I'm hot!
Allowing some other wight to conclude the couplet, for example with:
My dad has got a yacht!
So come, my darlings! Fill us with martial vigour and excitement. Give us cheers! Give us cheer, darn it!
To begin:
I'm artsy! I'm fartsy!
Does that make me a Nazi?
Your argument's poor!
You fell for Godwin's law! |