Thank you kindly, boyz. I want to pick up armfuls of shiny, tree-killing brochures to see what's on offer from the High Street Travel Agencies and compare with some of the wee, niche outfits' prices and itineraries. Finding downloading them as pdf a bit of an arse and it'll be easier to get answers to obvious questions in a one to one with some Lunn Poly or Trailfinders flunky. Such has been my experience previously at least.
We've both organised January off and have a notion to see a bit of Cambodia and Thailand. G has been to Thailand before but I have not. Perhaps even Laos or Vietnam in the picture. Anyone got any thoughts or advice? I know Sax has been around those parts.
The "gay" holiday sites aren't up to much, apart from one that's American and I like what they offer but I have concerns about booking it all online with them just because I like to know there's someone I can go shout at when the tickets don't arrive or whatever. And something always goes wrong just before you fly.
We don't want any Sandals-type deals but we also don't want to be hanging around all day organising internal flights or trains at any point. Been there, done that, got the karma (and the ulcers). |