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Flux was sending me psychic transmissions to post here again


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06:50 / 06.09.03
Anyway, I just got back from the burn. Funny onion article. What's going on with you fleshies? Saw KFCIA last night. Vegans no longer pirate ships. Joycore = right wing primitivism? Odd odd life.
8===>Q: alyn
10:32 / 06.09.03
Rage, next time you're in New York, look me up. I got a whole block of Belvedere up at my hot tub and a case of girl at my crib. Ain't no haters up in here. 500 to get yo ass up in so much booty.

So much booty.
Spatula Clarke
10:44 / 06.09.03
As it was foretold, so it came to pass.
10:57 / 06.09.03
man, your psychic wankfest scares the fuck outta me, Dupre. I'm leavin'.
13:15 / 06.09.03
*sets watch*

Hello again, Rage.
13:43 / 06.09.03
everybody hide behind the sofa
14:01 / 06.09.03
*but* that's where the PIECES OF FUCK ASS POSTMODERN PUSSY PREACHERS OF YOUR COLLEGE OLD GEEZER THIGH EATING FREAK HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are hid, fradgemignet.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
14:33 / 06.09.03
*gives Rage a big big hug*

Look everyone! Rage is here!

Now dance for us! That will get attention!
8===>Q: alyn
16:12 / 06.09.03
Barbelith, don't make me take my belt off.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:44 / 06.09.03
Now let's not be sarky. Rage gets to sit in the adults chair like a proper grown-up, have a nice glass of coke with a crazy straw and tell us all about her exciting adventures in the big wide world.
8===>Q: alyn
17:57 / 06.09.03
Next person to make fun of Rage gets to eat a phone book. I'm serious.
Tryphena Absent
18:19 / 06.09.03
I like crazy straws, don't employ them in your bitchy, sarcastic mess fest Lady.
bio k9
19:31 / 06.09.03

you don't have to take your belt off

to have a good time

oh no
bio k9
19:32 / 06.09.03
And phone books are fuckin' grubbin. I'll take two.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
20:41 / 06.09.03
Why do you assume I was being sarky? I like Rage and her short-panted enthusiasm. Certainly brightens up the old folks home that is Barbelith any day of the week.
00:09 / 07.09.03
The editing of my heart filled topic summary gives me attention enough, as do gems such as:

"We need to fight this blatant discrimination and we need to do it now! Come on Barbelith, rally together, who's up for a mass influx of freedom fighters? I have first dibs on Emmeline Pankhurst and I'm going to suggest it to Revolution! WOO it would be so utterly ludicrous, hundreds of Mandela's and Martin Luther King's appearing!"

when followed by

"Oh God, you're turning into Rage, aren't you?"

But that isn't the point, nor is my cult status here, let alone Encyclopedia Tantric "baa." This is the good life. Allow me to lay back in my beach chair as I taste the gumdrops of short-panted dis-ranted kiss-slanted fetish factorial fucktorian era crazy straw hats.

Might actually have to put forth more quality and less quantity and blow ye fuckin minds.
00:33 / 07.09.03
"Cult status"?

Can I change a consonant, please, Carol?
01:01 / 07.09.03
I'd rather you change 2. Cunt Status isn't rocking these days.

Though being a Cult Statue would be fun...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
07:01 / 07.09.03
Does anyone want to make a guess at what Encyclopedia Tantric "baa." means?
8===>Q: alyn
10:38 / 07.09.03
I swear to god, Babrbelith, you are in so much trouble when I get my hands on you. You're making my blood boil. Don't fuck with me, I almost beat up a girl at a party last night because she was stupid.

I'm looking for my keys. I'm about to get IN THE CAR!!!!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
14:32 / 07.09.03
If you get in the car, we'll just turn it around and go home. And there will be no Dairy Queen. You kids haven't been GOOD ENOUGH for Dairy Queen.

Or Pizza Hut. Only kids who WIN their little league games get Pizza Hut.
18:04 / 07.09.03
Can I get a Cunt Statue? Something large and possibly granite.

I'm sure my suburbtopian neighbours would love it.
8===>Q: alyn
19:45 / 07.09.03
I think there was an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond like that. Are you a fan of that show, Cass?
23:18 / 07.09.03
Hey there haywire... good to see ya.
Jack Denfeld
00:10 / 08.09.03
What was the question?
8===>Q: alyn
01:32 / 08.09.03
Whether you were ready to be beaten with a red-hot chain for making fun of Rage in my presense. Because I'll do it.
Jack Denfeld
02:01 / 08.09.03
I want to meet rage. Do you know her?
02:25 / 08.09.03
We could put a Cunt Statue next to the Ten Commandments, it would be cool.
8===>Q: alyn
03:01 / 08.09.03
Who, me? No.
06:18 / 08.09.03
A giant granite cunt. Now that's a Graven Image you can set your watch by.
Tryphena Absent
08:20 / 08.09.03
Crazy straw hats. Pah. That's just going too far.
10:19 / 08.09.03
I'm enthralled by the image of a giant stone statue of a cunt with a hat made of crazy straws, it can only be the return of Rage...
19:13 / 08.09.03
Let's start building.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:34 / 08.09.03
What, a giant gravey cunt? Can you get Art Council Funding for that?
8===>Q: alyn
21:47 / 08.09.03
Probably not, but maybe we can hold a raffle to raise funds? Dinner with Jack Denfeld?

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