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I have a ghost in my apartment

18:27 / 05.09.03
so yeah, i have a ghost in my apartment. i haven't seen or heard it, but strange things have been happening to others. like my sister unknowingly shut it in the closet, cos after shutting the door, heard noises like an animal was in there while she was trying to fall asleep. also, she does tarot cards and is really obsessive about keeping them all facing the same way cos she doesn't believe in inverse interpretations. she went to do her cards and about half of them were upside down, AND she got a scary reading. (altho', why could it fuck up her cards, tucked away in a box w/things on top of it, but not open the closet door, i don't know.) she's had experiences w/ghosts before, other places. so has my boyfriend, and he believes he's seen it. it's small so he thinks it's a child, and my sis feels a little-boy vibe.

i haven't seen it, prob'ly cos i wouldn't let myself, cos if i did, i'd shit my pants. it doesn't seem to be that angry or malicious, so that's good. but i'm a BIG scaredy-cat, and i'm getting really freaked thinking, ok, what if it's not mad *now*, but gets mad and starts doing stuff? what if it invites over some of it's angrier, bigger, fellow dead pals? so does anyone have any advice about how to get rid of it? go nuts, i'm open to black candles, sage burning, sun-cured crystals, etc.

maybe this should go in the magick forum since it's of a metaphysical bent. but uhhh yeah, who looks there. (/joke)
18:43 / 05.09.03
I am all about the ghosties, man. can I spend the night in your closet on my vacation?
8===>Q: alyn
18:48 / 05.09.03
No, no, let's talk about phone sex. It's outrageously expensive, isn't it?

Has the ghost been making lots of "premium calls" on your phone? Because maybe just your sister has an alter ego that is a pranky teenage boy.
18:57 / 05.09.03
*glares at q for talking about phone sex, when she needs HELP, dammit!*
19:00 / 05.09.03
Well now. I don't believe in ghosts, so maybe I shouldn't be responding here, but really - it sounds like you're all winding one another up into a big tizz. There is nothing there. You are imagining/ creating this in your heads and collectively creating a scary situation that doesn't exist.

However. I find ghost stories scary (see how much I believe my own convictions!) so I'll probably be too fearty to read the rest of this thread as it develops....
Jack Denfeld
22:05 / 05.09.03
I really hate to say this, but maybe it will save your soul. Your sister is playing with Tarot cards? That's the occult! You know, Satan's extracurriculars? Evil, it's evil! Obviously playing with dark forces has summoned some type of evil fucking monster. It's best to simply move, but here's the trick so that the sequel doesn't happen in your next home. Leave the Tarot cards somewhere in the house. That way some little kid will find them when his family moves in, and the horror will continue in that house.
22:16 / 05.09.03
Okay, here's whatcha do:

Cut a hole in the floor in front of the closet door. Take a bag of frozen peas and make a ring of peas around the hole (it's a well known fact that disembodied spirits luuuuv peas). Hide behind your bed and wait till dark. Then when the ghost comes out of the closet to take a pea, kick him in the pea hole!

Jeezuz, where did that come from? I think I've been possessed by a 6 year old.

You could always smudge the spook out with sage, but that's a bit like putting your dog to sleep for peeing on the carpet. I say make friends with them. I've always preferred happily haunted places to cold and sterile places.
22:24 / 05.09.03
I don't really believe in phone sex, to be honest. I mean, the receiver would get all gummed up and be useless after even one bout.
22:59 / 05.09.03
Kiddy sized cat flaps.

Chant "The power of Christ COMMANDS you" a lot while sprinking holy water about the place.

OK, apparently I was wrong about the exorcism thing:
"First, exorcism is a myth, it does not work. Attempting exorcism only invites repercussion back to you. This is the Law of the Boomerang, what you send forth comes back to you. Exorcism will anger spirits because they are being commanded to depart and the person doing the exorcism has no power to command it. I do not endorse the unwarranted removal of a spirit simply because someone is frightened by a ghost. People fear what they do not understand and try to destroy what they fear. The IGHS has held that establishing diplomatic dialog with them is better than to call your local priest or roving ghost buster to toss water, wave icons or speak highly charged words or phrases at them that will only anger them. Ghosts are people without physical bodies. They respond in kind, so if you remember that they are a life form with intelligence, personality and emotions and act accordingly, the better off you will find yourself."

Rational discussion with the entity - AND kiddy sized cat flaps.
00:00 / 06.09.03
Try talking to it, see what it wants.

If that don't work, burn some sage brush to flush it out and banish it.
Spyder Todd 2008
01:04 / 06.09.03
Obviously, you either don't know the right exorcists or you don't know the right demons, Mu Mu.

I live with two ghosts. I've incountered both of them. They seem nice enough, and they aren't hurting anything. So, is your ghost naughty or nice?
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