From my understanding South Africa's 'HIV and AIDS not related' statements are related to the conspiracy theories that say AIDS is not an STD, it comes from the medicine that they give you when you get HIV, and vaccines, and all that. See the book, What if Everthing You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong. One thing that made sense to me is the idea that most AIDS in Africa is not really AIDS but other diseases like Ebola, since they do not always have labrotory testing and AIDS does not even have specific symptoms. They just say that it is that for more aid. But if they're Mbeki is into conspiracy theories, why is he starting the African Union which is very New World Order?
Actually the history of foreign aid is complicated. Germany and Japan and the Marshall Plan were all giving aid to countries that were first-world before their infrastucture was destroyed and we helped them rebuild a new one. But every single country since then (except for South Korea- I haven't figured out why, maybe because of so soon after the victory high in WWII, of course but not North Korea; and Israel- more on Israel later) that America has either invaded, nation-builded, CIA meddling, or foriegn aiding has been worse off after America intervened. Iraq right now will probibly not be succesfully nation-built (remember when Bush was anti nation-building?) because you cant force a country to be modernized. Another diffirence between the post-WWII nation-building is that there was a draft to supply the manpower, and the American people will not accept a draft for a war whose reasons are now being shown to be demonstratebly false. Again, before they were former first world countries being aided, not now with third world countries being expected to be pushed into modernization when money sent is just stolen by the corrupt sytsems. You can help in small ways, but ultimately a country must use self-determination to evolve itself. Israel (which if counting Eygpt that only gets so much aid for signing the Camp David accords, gets almost half of all foreign aid) seems to have enough self control to not be corrupt with the money and put it all in their military. I think ultimately this is still flawed, not just for the anti-American terrorism motivations this causes, but because Israel is such an intensely military government that eventually there will be a military coup and the military democracy will be replaced by a military dictatorship. Israel greatest dangers will come from itself, not its neighbours. And when did the UK recieve foreign aid?
If slavery is the reason for America's wealth, than why did the North, which had less slaves, have more wealth and technology and won the civil war? Many modern countries did not become that way by conquering other countries, not to mention America did not steal slaves but bought them while they were already slaves in Africa. In relative to history, the real evil was breeding children born into slavery even after the slave trade was abolished. Still, you work backwards when you say that a country is rich because it conquered another, because that doesn't explain how they were superior enough before the conquering to win the war. And when did America ever oppress South Africa? In actuality, all the former colonielist powers already do give tons of aid to their former colonies.
I really don't know that terribly much about South African politics being socialist or not, I just know I'm against foreign aid for reasons above. It is definatelly true that globalist banking policies do not help the situation, but the countries still have some degree of responsibility for agreeing to them first.
With regards to welfare, it isn't keeping them from dying all over the place, just making the lower classes docile and draining their motivation. While many blacks in America are doing better, those are the ones that get themselves educated and move out of the ghetto. The ones still in the ghetto are getting worse and worse. For example, public housing is a total failure. If your rent was twenty dollars would you rush to get a job? Of course, another problem for the lower classes is the high-violence illegal culture due to Prohibiton drug laws. Some charity is good, but the over-all welfare state is degrading. I can never understand why activist-types are supposed to be so anti-government, but they want the government to solve all their problems.
Too much information. Does anyone out there agree with my commentary? |