Hi! ^-^
I was thinking it might be nice to have some specific thoughtform to whom I could sacrifice all the drugs I do, and to whom I could dedicate the various rituals involved therewith. Because, well, you know, I smoke a -lot- of weed -- once or twice a day -- so I'd basically be constantly acknowledging and empowering the fing.
So, I don't know, maybe I'll make my own. I was thinking of making a servitor, powered by my constant cannabis consumption (and possibly by all other psychedelic encounters), to effect certain desirable changes. The thing is, I have the feeling it shouldn't be for anything really "serious" -- health, family, career -- since drugs are, generally, frivolous and nutty. So should I make the servitor based on something more playful? Something to effect social or personal change?
Well, sure. That's what I was thinking. Right now I'm thinking I'll make a drug-powered beastie whose Point In Life is guiding me into situations where I'll meet new and interesting people, and simultaneously allowing me to become more interesting, fill in some of the blanks in my personality, and, you know, be the kind of person who interesting people want to have guided into situations with them. And that sounds pretty good.
But then, in the last two or three days, I've been reading the Barbelith Magick forum again, and just now I thought, "hey! Let's ask the magick board about it! That would be old-school."
Well, actually, I was reading about GEK, which was what gave me this idea in the first place.
Hem. So, you know, I'd love to collect some opinions! Has anyone experimented with this sort of thing before? Vadrice mentioned using french cigarettes which was, frankly, what made me think of this specific method of empowerment. Has anyone had a drug-powered thoughtform? Should I be putting it to some other, more specifically psychedelic use, like acting as a reservoir for stuff I want to remember in the midst of particularly confounding trips but normally don't, or helping me maintain, in everyday life, aspects of the "enlightened" states of mind I occasionally find myself pharmaceutically abused of? Can anyone think of an [i]existing[/i] god or servitor or class of entity or somesuch which might appreciate the sacrificial/ritual smoking of cannabis in the meantime? I've got this friend I'm supposed to get irresponsibly stoned this evening...
Or, you know, anyone want to lend a word of encouragement? 
I haven't posted here in a long, long, long time. Man.
Crazy! ^-^ |