Drink this yoghurt shit for your daily dose of ProBiotics™®©. ProBiotics!!!™®©???? What the hell are they? Suddenly we need them, for some reason. Good for you. Buy this stuff. I've never had any before! Nobody I know has ever had them knowingly. I live, my ancestors lived and we've never heard of the things. ProBiotics™®©. They can't be essential for life surely?
Our days are full of this crap nowadays... not like when I was a young'n! They keep inventing stuff for us to consume and coming up with reasons why we need it to make our lives better. I know, that's advertising, and I'm in the industry to a point (graphic designer, I'll work for whoever pays the bills) so this isn't a rant against advertising, as such. It's about a civilisation that has allowed the kind of manipulative, invasive, all pervading force that is our "civilisation" to take over every single facet and instant of our lives.
We work. We earn money. We pay a large percentage of our money to the government so that thay can pay for the things that we, as a "community" require. Roads, hospitals, that sort of stuff. Fair enough. But when exactly did it get decided that they were also entitled to tell us what we can and can't do? And at what speed we are allowed to do it? Huh? Sorry... that's a whole nuther thing. Back to civilisation. It's everywhere! Every single species on the planet, except one, has the right to go about its business in whatever way it sees fit and if that bothers anybody, anybody kills it and probably eats it. Sorted. What the hell happened to US? How did we get here? This dreadful place where somebody is always trying to sell you stuff on TV, radio, any printed medium, at the cinema, knocking at your door. People we don't like in the slightest have the right to decide what we'll pay for everything, what we'll earn, how much of it they will decide to want at any give time, what we can look at, what we can read or listen too, what we can wear (clothes in spring? Who's dumb idea was that and don't even get me started about shoes!). We get to buy stuff and the stuff is fun and we have fun and I know the world is a more comfortable place to live in than it was, say, even 50 years ago. I know.
Our lives were never meant, in any almighty plan or any variation on evolution or whatever, to be like this! They just weren't. Something went wrong, horribly wrong and we got stuck with this present. I don't like it, except for the bits I do, which, although they occupy a reasonably large percentage of my day, could have been something else even more fun had I landed at a different time or a different present, had a particular decision not been made at some time in the dim distant past. It's that decision I have devoted myself to discovering.
And the winner is... |