Yeah, it *is* an interesting question - because, do you choose someone who you admire? Someone you like and think would like you? Someone who'd teach you something? Or even just someone who'd teach you something about canon? Do you pick someone dangerous but interesting, or someone that you could safely let roam the world afterwards?
I think it'd be interesting to introduce the canon version and a good slash version of a character, and I was tempted to work that into my choices, but didn't in the end. There are certain slash versions of characters that I love, but they're almost certainly more interesting to watch in their natural environment. Though if they'd let me watch for real...well. (Or join in...)
I was quite convinced that most of my possible choices wouldn't like me at all...but, who knows? Also, I feel weird about mythological/legendary characters, because there's always the sense they might've existed in one way or another, so I've left them alone. There are lots of characters I'd like to say hi to (or huggle - there are an awful lot of characters I'd like to huggle, from the Iliad to Red Dwarf), but, like Deva says, some of them are much more interesting just to watch. Anyway...the ones in bold are my choices, the others are just thoughts.
Severus Snape. I'd like to give him a hug and tell him I think he's lovely, and a good person, whatever those little Gryffindor brats think. For a JKR character, he's quite human, but I'd like to get a better sense of him and how he feels about various things. Though I wouldn't pester him with it, I'd also try and find out some of the stuff that JKR is unlikely to ever tell us - like, Remus and Sirius = a couple, right? (though I still have some hope that she'll make that explicit - I think it's already clear enough from certain details in OotP, but hardly anyone else I know seems to have noticed). And, if he didn't mind the prying, I'd love to know about his own love life.
I dunno if he'd like me much though, which would be awfully upsetting. However, Snape is definitely on the shag list, so if he felt like it, he'd be more than welcome. (Quite a few other people on the shag list I think are far better off sleeping with their fellow characters, however.)
I'd like to give Sirius a hug, too.
Alec from Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner, possibly. It might be an odd reason to want to meet him, but Alec reminds me of me (only aristocratic, pretty, generally more appealing, and with a penis). He'd have to go back to Richard afterward, of course, but I think it might be interesting, for both of us, to spend a day together. I dunno what we'd do - I'd have to try and keep him out of trouble, but I think he might enjoy a walk around London.
The Fool from Robin Hobb's books. I think ze and I would get on well, but I'm still not fully reconciled to the direction it looks like Robin Hobb is taking with hir. But of my choices so far, ze and I would probably have the best rapport, and ze's interesting in all sorts of ways (even though I think, politically, Robin Hobb shouldn't do what I think she's going to). So yes, the Fool. Huggles also for the Fool. I like to think we could be friends.
I'm thinking about Glorfindel, because I'd like to know whether he was really reborn, and also it'd be quite cool to meet someone from Middle Earth and get the low-down on everything from a peripheral character, and I have some questions about elf physiology. I'd take him to do something he couldn't do in Middle Earth or Valinor - I'm tempted to say bowling, though I am shit at bowling, because I think he might appreciate the oddness of it.
Gollum is my favourite character from LotR, but I feel that might be a bit of a dead-end conversation - though I'd like to hug him, I'm not in any position to adopt him, and I feel like someone needs to.
Yoda is another possibility.
I'm also thinking Skaffen Amtiskaw, Diziet Sma's drone bodyguard from Use of Weapons. Though there are so many fantastic AIs to choose from in Banks' books... In fact, I'll just move to the Culture.
Huggles for Cheradanine Zakalwe.
I'd sort of like to meet Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens by Terry Pratchett (quick, find the holy water), and Neil Gaiman. And there are various other fictional pairs I'd like to meet to find out if they're actually shagging, or at least thinking about it.
Will make my last two choices concrete at some point. |