Started to avoid continuing rot in various threads where this has come up. For example, The Angry Brigade one, where I questioned Gentleman Loser's claim that the dictionary definition of anarchism is 'lawlessness or Libertarian fantasy'. Johnny the Zen Bastard replied:
quote: Let's not start this. If we're agreeing to use the English language as a means of communication, then that means we're agreeing to use the words as defined by the authority on it. Naturally, slang doesn't count, but you can't use "sandal" to describe a boot. If it means you can't use the word "anarchy" as you like, tough shit. Modify it somehow. Don't go arguing about the mechanics of something you've already agreed to use.
This is beside the point, and pretty bizarre anyway. First, I was questioning whether there actually exists a dictionary which defines anarchism as, among other things, 'Libertarian fantasy'. More generally, it is ridiculous to suggest that we have to stick to dictionary definitions of terms we're discussing; if all our political arguments are to be based on what the dictionary says a particular ideology or movement is, we're not going to have very interesting discussions. The same would be true in other forums with specialised vocabularies (i.e., the recent thread about entropy in the Lab, no doubt many in the Magick, Head Shop, etc.)
"The" dictionary is not "the" authority on the English language. It's not that I just invented a meaning for anarchism and intend to use it regardless of what the word actually means; anarchism has a history, and accepted meanings as a political movement/ideology/theory regardless of whether the dictionary explains them.
I am hoping, generally, that we can use this thread to discuss/clarify that history and those meanings, with a minimum of recriminations and sarcasm. |