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Invisibles Tribute?

pachinko droog
16:52 / 29.08.03
Just as an idea to mull over:

2004 will be here before we know it. And with that comes the TENTH anniversary of issue #1 of The Invisibles. Since Barbelith pretty much owes its existence to the series, I was wondering how folks felt about maybe putting something together to commemorate this.

Mabye a series of articles/writings for the webzine, or something a bit more grand in scale? I envision (ideally) a small press limited edition collection spanning the gamut of expression:

--essays/articles on how The Invisibles influenced you
--Invisibles-derived magickal theory and practice
--short stories/poetry/fan fiction/comics/art/etc.
--MAYBE someone could finagle an interview with "you know who"
--any other suggestions you'd care to add...

At any rate, SOMETHING should happen. Can't let this anniversary come and go without a celebration, at any rate.
19:35 / 29.08.03
You made me feel old.
rizla mission
20:17 / 29.08.03
Maybe we could envision ourselves a big party..
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
21:25 / 29.08.03
How about a play? I'ts been a long time since I "tread the boards."
23:23 / 29.08.03
This sounds great. I'm up for anything if this thing actually leaves the drawing board. Even if it is a big party... will save and travel
pachinko droog
16:04 / 30.08.03
A party? Hmmmmm. I can see it now: Invisicon 2004. The invitations will be sent out in sigilized form, to be spray-painted on city walls all over the planet. Maybe we can get Richard Metzger to help organize it. (Or attend.)

In all seriousness though, I was kind of hoping for something that could be printed and distributed, or, if its just not feasible due to monetary shortfalls, at least something that could be compiled on the website and stored via PDF or whatever that could be printed out or downloaded.

Maybe that's a more realistic option to aim for at this stage. Which isn't to say that we couldn't go for a more multimedia approach eventually, but maybe for right now just concentrate on getting people to submit writings for a "special issue" of the webzine?

Mind you nothing is set in stone. I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Boy in a Suitcase
18:17 / 31.08.03
I'm down to write a short story either in the Invisiblesverse or influenced by The Invisibles. Maybe about an Invisibles cell in 2004. For sure.
rizla mission
13:33 / 01.09.03
I can see it now: Invisicon 2004.

noo - too geeky.

Maybe we can get Richard Metzger to help organize it. (Or attend.)


The invitations will be sent out in sigilized form, to be spray-painted on city walls all over the planet.

That sounds more like it.
pachinko droog
17:52 / 02.09.03
Boy in a Suitcase: Go for it. Personally, as far as Invisibles-themed fiction is concerned, I'm interested in backstory. The 1920's Invisibles cell was one of my favourite aspects of the series, and just the idea of a lineage of Invisibles down through the ages gave me all manner of concepts to play with.

Such as:

What were the Invisibles up to during WWII? All manner of strangeness related to the occult did go on and was rumored to go on at the time, so its not a big stretch to fit something in this setting. (See Trevor Ravenscroft's "Spear of Destiny" or Peter Levenda's "Unholy Alliance" for examples.) I picture something like a cross between "Pulp Cthulhu", Indiana Jones and the 1930's Planetary backstory of Axel Brass. Or something.

I was also contemplating an Invisbles-related story set during the late Rennaisance in Europe, with expeditions to Central Asia and China, among other places. Rosicrucian and alchemist-minded Invisibles meet Shaolin fighting monks and rampaging Tartars. Just for fun.
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