Boy in a Suitcase: Go for it. Personally, as far as Invisibles-themed fiction is concerned, I'm interested in backstory. The 1920's Invisibles cell was one of my favourite aspects of the series, and just the idea of a lineage of Invisibles down through the ages gave me all manner of concepts to play with.
Such as:
What were the Invisibles up to during WWII? All manner of strangeness related to the occult did go on and was rumored to go on at the time, so its not a big stretch to fit something in this setting. (See Trevor Ravenscroft's "Spear of Destiny" or Peter Levenda's "Unholy Alliance" for examples.) I picture something like a cross between "Pulp Cthulhu", Indiana Jones and the 1930's Planetary backstory of Axel Brass. Or something.
I was also contemplating an Invisbles-related story set during the late Rennaisance in Europe, with expeditions to Central Asia and China, among other places. Rosicrucian and alchemist-minded Invisibles meet Shaolin fighting monks and rampaging Tartars. Just for fun. |